In this section, describe the plans to monitor and assess the overall quality of the program and how the program plans to achieve its proposed goals, ensuring evaluation methods are accessible and inclusive, and audiences are diverse.
In this section, outline what types of assessments will be used to evaluate student progress in the program and explain why these have been selected. Departments are asked to provide a broad stroke representation of proposed assessment practices. Specifically, this section should describe:
- Appropriateness of the proposed methods for the assessment of students’ achievement of the program learning outcomes and Degree Level Expectations. What skills will assessments be evaluating? Do these assessments align with the program learning outcomes?
- How are assessments designed to take into account a variety of student accessibility needs?
- How are assessments designed with EDIA in mind? How do assessments reduce (or eliminate) barriers to student learning? Are options provided such as multiple/diverse/alternative ways of assessment, grace periods, specialized academic accommodations, or exam retakes?
Resources are available for those who wish to consider inclusive grading and assessment practices
Departments are asked to discuss how the proposed assessment practices outlined above align with the program learning outcomes to illustrate that the intended learning outcomes are measurable and attainable. As a summary of the curriculum, please complete the Undergraduate or Graduate Curriculum Map template provided in Appendix C or Appendix D, respectively.
The following section is likely one of the most difficult to address. In this section, departments are being asked to describe their plans for documenting and demonstrating student achievement/success in meeting program learning outcomes and Degree Level Expectations. This section is not meant to have departments describe assessment practices again, but to consider a holistic approach in student learning. It may be helpful to consider the following questions when thinking about this section:
- How does the program define success?
- How will the program determine student success based on this definition?
- What are some of the key assessment practices that the program will emphasize?
- Which of these assessment practices are particularly innovative?
- Which key assessment pieces can be used to demonstrate that students have met program learning outcomes? Or which assessment practices will be used in a student’s culminating year of study?
- How could this evidence be documented and communicated? (e.g. learning portfolio, symposiums, conferences, community service).
- Describe the program-wide assessments that will be used to ensure all students have achieved the program learning outcomes and how the program will use these assessments to continuously improve the program.
- Programs must note what role will be responsible for collecting and assessing program-wide data on student achievement as well as how frequently these data will be assessed.
This section should also give consideration to how the resulting information from the level of student performance will be documented and used to inform continuous program improvement.