
Teaching and Learning Resources

  • MacPherson Developed Resources: This page includes a curated collection of resources aimed to assist, guide, and inspire instructors of all levels. Resources include those created by the MacPherson Institute alone or in collaboration with campus partners, as well as others from the broader teaching and learning community in Canada. Some of the most helpful resources for McMaster instructors include: Preparing a Teaching Portfolio, Research in Teaching and Learning Guidebook, and Program Review and Enhancement Guidebook.
  • Learning Catalogue: This online repository of educational resources is intended to introduce you to various teaching and learning topics of relevance to post-secondary education in Canada. Much of the content is structured in the form of online asynchronous modules.
  • Teaching Development Planning Tool: With the large number of teaching supports, services, and resources made available at the MacPherson Institute, some instructors may not know where to begin. This tool was designed to assist new faculty members in planning relevant and appropriate teaching development opportunities based on their level of experience.