
Course Outlines

As noted in the Undergraduate Course Management Policies document, a course outline describes what is expected of students as well as what students can expect in terms of the course experience they will receive, the format in which the course will be delivered and the knowledge and skills that can be gained. The outline introduces the course and the instructor and sets out the expectations of the instructor so that students are aware of how they will learn, what level of participation will be expected and how they will be assessed. Some Faculties have their own requirements for course outlines. It is recommended that you check with your Department to see if there are pre-existing templates or samples upon which you could base the course outline for the course(s) you will be teaching.

Course Outline Library

In the Spring/Summer of 2023, in an effort to better understand the decentralized processes and challenges of managing course outlines across McMaster, a Course Outline Library was developed. It allows for streamlined and simplified course outline creation, in addition to serving as an archive for outlines across all Faculties.