Letters of Accommodation

Academic accommodations are in place to level the playing field and provide an equal opportunity for students to obtain an education (OHRC, n.d.). Letters of Accommodations (LOAs) are used to communicate the specific accommodations that students are eligible to request and use in their courses.

Accessibility Services works collaboratively with students to develop a LOA that is specifically tailored to each student’s needs and functional limitations. Therefore, an accommodation will present differently for each student and flexibility is required to foster student success. The four most common accommodations are:

  • additional time for quizzes, tests, or exams
  • extensions for assignment deadlines
  • computerized note-taking software
  • leave and return as needed

For more information about the Letter of Accommodation process, student and faculty responsibilities, and suggestions on how to respond to LOA requests please review the support article Responding to Letters of Accommodation.

Additional information and support for addressing accessibility requirements is available from Accessibility Services | Niagara College.

Ready to develop and improve your course(s)? Continue to the next section to learn how you can put your plans into action and start breaking down barriers in your course.


Ontario Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). Post-secondary education. Retrieved from  http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/opportunity-succeed-achieving-barrier-free-education-students-disabilities/post-secondary-education


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