
2.6 Apply Your Knowledge

You have learned the importance of demonstrating empathy when solving problems and resolving conflicts at work. Now, it is your turn to practice this skill.

Read – the following case study. Create a script that demonstrates your ability to resolve a workplace conflict with an emphasis on empathy.

The Company:

Square IconColdway Concrete Ltd.

The People:

Ricardo Ruez (He/Him): Human Resources Manager

Armon Graham (They/Them): Structural Engineer  

The Scenario:

Armon has recently had performance issues, including an inability to meet project timelines. When approached by customers to complain about the missed timelines, Armon tells the customers to mind their own business as the project will be complete whenever the work is done. Ricardo hears customer complaints as Armon’s supervisor is travelling on company business. These conflicts are impacting Armon’s co-workers as well. When you ask Armon’s co-workers about Armon, one says they recently went through a lengthy and complicated divorce and lost custody of both of their children. Armon’s co-workers believe the divorce has caused Armon’s loss of concentration and his ugly interactions with co-workers and customers. Ricardo needs to meet with Armon to address performance issues and customer conflicts.

Employee Observations and Customer Observations:

“I cannot stand working with Armon on these projects. Armon has anger issues and directs them at me if I make a suggestion or ask a question. I am tired of it!”

“As a customer, I want to know what is going on with my concrete project, but Armon is rude and dismissive whenever I ask a question.”

The Conversation:

You will be playing the role of Ricardo (the Human Resources Manager). You will meet with Armon to address their recent performance issues and conflicts. You will initiate the conversation with Armon. Your script should be at least one minute long when you read it aloud. Don’t forget to practice your empathy skills in your script.

Write Ricardo and Armon’s Conversation

Exercise Icon

The Exercise:

Discuss – how a Human Resources professional or a people manager can balance empathy and accountability when dealing with an employee’s performance issue that is related to a personal matter such as a death in the family or a divorce.


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Navigating HR Copyright © 2024 by Connie Palmer, CHRL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.