
1.5 HR: A Conflict Resolution Coach

A woman being coached at work by a co-worker
Photo by Mimi Thian, Unsplash License

As a Human Resources professional, there are two approaches to conflicts at work. One is to resolve the conflict yourself. The other approach is to coach people leaders to resolve workplace conflicts.

Chapter 1 Exercise 1

You work as the Human Resources Manager for a medium-sized manufacturing facility that employs 55 office staff. In addition, there are 80 employees on the day shift in the manufacturing facility, 70 on the afternoon shift, 50 on the night shift and 12 on the weekend shift. In total, there are 267 employees in this organization. 12 of these employees are people leaders.


Option 1. You can choose to coach 12 people leaders to address conflicts in their departments as they arise.

Option 2. You can address any conflicts that arise among the 267 employees. Remember, none of these employees report to you.

Which approach would you take and why?



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