
3.5 Apply Your Knowledge

You have learned the importance of demonstrating active listening when solving problems and resolving conflicts at work. Now, it is your turn to practice this skill.

Read – the following case study. Create a script demonstrating your ability to resolve a workplace conflict, emphasizing active listening and paraphrasing.

The Company:

Berry IconRaspberry Fields Ltd.

The People:

Alice Miele (She/Her): Human Resources Manager

Monique Ouelette (They/Them):  Logistics Coordinator 

Simran Ali (He/Him): Operations Manager

The Scenario:

Monique has been providing customer service to area grocery stores for three years. Monique ensures local stores receive their orders of fresh raspberries to sell in their stores.

In the past week, Monique forgot to ship three orders of fresh raspberries to local stores, and the store owners are upset. Monique has accused the stores of failing to submit their orders on time, and the store owners have accused Monique of failing to ship the orders. These customer conflicts are becoming a daily occurrence.

Monique sends Alice, the HR Manager at Raspberry Fields Ltd., an email outlining their frustration with their role. They clarified that they could not do the job of two people as the Logistics Assistant recently quit. Monique forwards three e-mails to you. All three e-mails confirm that Monique has been asking for help from their manager, Simran Ali (He/Him), for the past month. Every time Monique follows up with Simran, he talks about giving Monique additional vacation time and a bonus payment for their extra efforts. Monique asks when a new Logistics Assistant will be hired, and Simran indicates that the raspberry season will slow down soon so Monique can have a work-life balance. Monique ends the email to Alice by saying, “Is anyone listening?”

Employee Observations and Customer Observations:

“Our store will give Monique a chance to get our orders right. If not, we must move our business to Raspberry Red Ltd., the competition!”

“As a customer, I cannot believe Monique is trying to blame this shipping error on our company. We don’t appreciate being blamed for Monique’s laziness.”

The Conversation:

Simran is on vacation for two weeks. You are playing the role of Alice, the Human Resources Manager at Raspberry Fields Ltd. You will be meeting with Monique to address their recent customer conflicts. You will initiate the conversation with Monique. Your script should be at least one minute long when you read it aloud. Don’t forget to practice your active listening and paraphrasing skills in your script.

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The Exercise:

Discuss – Did you find it easy to resolve Monique’s workplace issues using active listening and paraphrasing skills? Explain.


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Navigating HR Copyright © 2024 by Connie Palmer, CHRL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.