
7.3 Explore, Discussion, and Apply

Overview: Explore, Discussion, and Apply

Activities found on this page are designed to provide opportunities to explore, practice, and apply concepts presented in chapter 7.


Explore Activity 1

Social media platforms are full of posts that you can use to critique and improve your own writing. Find a social media post or blog article that relies heavily on written content and evaluate it for the best practices identified in the chapter. The exercise will probably work better if you identify content written by a company or organization as opposed to an individual on a personal account.

Now review the content of the post you’ve selected. Is it clear? Concise? Professional? Engaged (in the discussion thread)?  What are the post’s strengths? What could still be improved? Write a revised, improved version of the post that follows each of the best practices.

Discussion Questions

  1. What are some other important strategies for making sure that your message is clear and easy for your intended audience to understand?
  2. What are some key strategies for concise writing?
  3. In the context of this chapter, what does “professional” writing mean? Why is it important?
  4. What is social media monitoring and why is it important? What are some ways that an author can effectively engage with their audience?


Apply Activity 1

Refer to the explore activity 1 on this page. Write a revised, improved version of the post you used for the explore activity that follows the best practices outlined in this chapter learning.

Apply Activity 2

Refer to Chapter 1 Apply 1 Activity

Revise the content of these slides to apply digital writing strategies reviewed in this chapter.

In the notes pane of each revised slide list what you changed and why you changed it. Submit your work for evaluation as required by you instructor.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, this page is created by Marie Rutherford, CC BY-NC 4.0


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Multimedia Communications Copyright © 2024 by Marie Rutherford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.