
2.5 Key Chapter Terms

Chapter 2 Terms

Abstract Graphics:
Abstract graphics are charts, tables, graphs, and graphics that pull numbers out of text.
Ensuring that all people-regardless of ability-can interact with the documents produced (Case Western Reserve University, n.d., para. 1)
Characters of a single size aligning with a specific typeface.
Titles for sections that help to guide the reader around a document’s breakdown of topics.
Simplified and stylized visual representations of objects, concepts or actions (Creatopy Team, 2024, para. 1).
Visualizations that are used to explain information, such as drawings or diagrams (Kaloyanov, n.d.).
Interactive Elements:
Anything a user can interact with in a document, such as hyperlinks (Hrkac, 2018, para. 3).
Justification of Text:
Justified text is spaced so that the left and right sides of the text block both have a clean edge. Usually, text is left-aligned which has a straight left edge and an uneven right edge (Butterick, 2013b, para. 1).
The process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font.
The traditional name for Line Spacing. The vertical space between lines of text (Butterick, 2013a, para. 1).
Line Spacing:
The vertical space between lines of text. Also known as Leading (Butterick, 2013a, para. 3).
The small and uncapitalized version of letters (“Lowercase”, n.d.).
Multimedia Presentation:
A presentation in which different forms of media are incorporated, such as text, audio, video, and images.
Objective Graphics:
Graphics that depict reality.
The ease in which a reader can understand text (California State University Northridge, n.d., para. 1).
The creative and graphic process where thoughts are recorded by using illustrations, symbols, structures, and texts. Also known as Visual Notetaking.
Symbolic Graphics:
Graphics that symbolize reality.
The words of something written (“Text”, n.d., Definition 1).
Text Layout:
Text that is organized on the page to enhance readability.
A concise summary that represents the contents of a document.
Capitalized letters (“Uppercase”, n.d.).
Visual Aids:
Visual elements that help to reinforce text content.
Visual Expression:
Expressing one’s thoughts and feelings using a visual medium such as images or drawings.
Visual Notetaking:
The creative and graphic process where thoughts are recorded by using illustrations, symbols, structures, and texts. Also known as Sketchnoting.
Visual Vocabulary:
Using shapes or symbols to create meanings with little text involved.
A gap that is unoccupied by text or graphics.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, Terms and definitions are adapted from the pages and original sources cited within chapter 2, CC BY-NC 4.0.

References for terms from outside sources

Butterick, M. (2013a). Line spacing. Practical Typography. https://practicaltypography.com/line-spacing.html

Butterick, M. (2013b). Justified text. Practical Typography. https://practicaltypography.com/justified-text.html

California State University Northridge. (n.d). Readability. https://www.csun.edu/universal-design-center/readability

Case Western Reserve University. (n.d). What is Accessibility?. https://case.edu/accessibility/what-accessibility

Creatopy Team. (February 16, 2024). What is an icon in graphic design. https://www.creatopy.com/blog/what-is-an-icon/

Hrkac, Z. (September 2, 2018). 7 interactive elements that will help you get users attention. Bamboo Lab. https://bamboolab.eu/blog/development/7-interactive-elements-that-will-help-you-get-users-attention

Kaloyanov, N. (n.d). What is illustration? Definition, evolution, and types. GraphicMama Blog. https://graphicmama.com/blog/what-is-illustration/

Lowercase. (n.d).  In Vocabulary.com dictionary. Retrieved November 10, 2024, from https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/lowercase

Uppercase. (n.d.). In Vocabulary.com dictionary. Retrieved November 10, 2024. From https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/uppercase

Text. (n.d).  In Vocabulary.com dictionary. Retrieved November 10, 2024. From https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/text


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