
9.3 Transforming Storyboards & Scripts into Video

Storyboard Examples

Storyboard 1 shows 4 panels with a sketch of each scene and a brief textual explanation of the scene. In this example, the storyboard illustrates the video changing from black and white to a coloured city scape, air quality shown by coloured simulation charts, a scientist’s head opening up to send info to a computer, and formulas on the screen. Source:Storyboard 1” by Eelke, CC-BY 2.0.


Storyboard 2 shows another 4 panels/sketches, with the first panel having just the text “we can do amazing things” the second one showing a person’s outline with a weather map, a stick figure with an umbrella in the third, and a city with a road around it in the fourth. Source:Storyboard-3” by Eelke, CC-BY 2.0.

In the storyboard examples above, the script appears on the top then a box with a sketch of what will appear on the screen. Underneath each sketch, is a brief description of the action on screen, what will appear or disappear and how the scene will move.


Review the two storyboard examples above.

  • What sort of music or audio enhancements do you think would complement these scenes?
  • What types of video editing techniques could you use to enhance the tone of the video?


Remember that a storyboard is a planning tool. It doesn’t mean that your ideas can’t change or evolve while you’re working. In fact, we encourage you to look back on the ideas you had in your first attempt and see if they can be revised to enhance meaning. Think of it as a jumping off point. Often our ideas change as we create and we get a better understanding of what exactly we’re creating.

Moving from Storyboard to Video Clip

How does a storyboard translate into a video clip? Watch the video below for a few short clips that were created from the storyboards shown.

Watch How to Make a Storyboard (even if you can’t draw) | Storyboarding for Film & Video | 4 Simple Steps (6 mins) on YouTube

Video source: Kendra Joy. (2021, May 7). How to Make a Storyboard (even if you can’t draw) | Storyboarding for film & video | 4 simple steps [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmP4AZ4bCFI

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, this page is adapted from “What is a storyboard?” In Introduction to Scripting and Storyboarding by University of Guelph McLaughlin Library, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


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