Solidify 6S
With your grounding in the purpose behind the 6S Pyramid, it’s time to dive in and explore the 6S Pyramid itself.
Mapping the Pyramid
With the most valuable research resource at the top, map the resources to the pyramid.
Now that you have a solid visual for the 6S Pyramid, ensure you understand how it impacts your search strategy. You will want to know what resources are included in each stage | level of the pyramid. Knowing what you need influences where you search.
Matching Levels with Recommended Resources
“Support clinical decision making through linking all relevant best research evidence about a clinical situation directly to a patient’s record” (Haynes, 2000).
Sources of Systems
- Integrative Electronic Patient Records
NOTE: We will not be using | searching Systems.
“Summaries integrate best available evidence from lower layers… to provide a full range of evidence concerning management options for a given health problem” (Haynes, 2007).
Sources of Summaries
- Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Evidence-Based Texts
Synopses of Syntheses
Synopses condense and highlight the key points of a single study or systematic review and comment on their application to patient care. They are often written in the form of an abstract.
Sources of Synopses
- Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
- Evidence-Based Abstract Journals
Syntheses: Systematic Reviews
Consolidate literature on a specific topic:
- comprehensive identification of best studies
- review of study relevance
- evaluation of quality of research methodology
- extraction and analysis of data
- draw conclusions.
Sources of Syntheses
- The Cochrane Library at McMaster (Gold Standard)
- Mohawk provides access to one of its important databases: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Synopses of Single Studies
From McMaster University’s Nursing Guide: Synopses of single studies summarize evidence from high-quality studies. The following evidence-based abstract journals are the best place to find this type of information:
Sources for Single Studies
Links are provided to Mohawk’s journals
- Evidence-Based Nursing
- BMJ Clinical Evidence
- Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health
- ACP Journal Club
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare
- Evidence-Based Mental Health
- Evidence-Based Midwifery
- Evidence-Based Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Evidence Based Competency Management for the Obstetrics Unit
- Evidence-Based Oncology
Single Studies
Searching any health-related database with the proper terms will return single studies.