Fine-tuning Your Search
Step 6
Now that you have a solid understanding on how to breakdown a research question to build up a search, we will dive a little deeper into how to best connect and interact with academic sources, specifically library databases. Part two of our video overview takes our basic search and translates it into the language of the Library. Don’t worry, remember it’s not as difficult as learning French (if you grew up in Ontario) or learning English (if it’s not your first language)! Strangely, using the Library’s language will provide you fewer results to peruse, but more relevant results.
Make sure to take in part one’s three and a half minutes and part two’s five minutes. Really understanding these eight and a half minutes can save you hours of combing through not-on-point, inappropriate resources for your academic work.
Putting It All Together
A few questions will highlight if you have fully understand the basic concepts for a solid search. Aim high and take as many tries as you require to get a high mark!