
Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Student

Responsibilities of the Field Placement Student

  1. In the event of absence, notify the Field Placement Mentor/Site, as well as the Field Placement Specialist, prior to the start of your shift.
  2. Negotiate with the Field Placement Specialist and Field Placement Mentor any time required for make up.
  3. Complete the appropriate number of Field Placement days/hours. Classes cannot be missed for this purpose.
  4. Maintain accurate attendance records (both online weekly attendance and form included in Learning Outcomes Feedback Form) and have the Field Placement Mentor sign the Attendance Sheet at midterm and final evaluation.
  5. Be prepared to discuss experiences in each setting daily, attempting to integrate classroom theory with fieldwork practicum.
  6. Discuss with the Field Placement Mentor both positive and challenging experiences within the Field Placement setting.
  7. Become aware and abide by the policies/procedures and Program Statement of each Field Placement Site/Agency.
  8. Maintain confidentiality (re: children, parents, agency staff, peers, college faculty and staff)
  9. Accept responsibility as a team member of the Field Placement Site/Agency.
  10. Complete the Field Placement Learning Outcomes Feedback Form, Attendance Sheet and any other negotiated tasks required of students within the designated time frame.
  11. Self-evaluate at midterm and during final week of each Field Placement.
  12. Attend and participate in all Field Placement Theory to Practice Classes and Field Placement Prep Classes.
  13. Attend agency meetings (when possible/applicable), such as staff and/or parent meetings and attend Professional Activity days held during the Field Placement period.
  14. Maintain all written work and submit required information as instructed by the Field Placement Specialist and College Faculty.
  15. Be aware of and act in accordance with ethical and professional standards.

Responsibilities of the Mentor

Responsibilities of the Field Placement Mentor

We know from research that reflective practitioners provide better care and education. Effective reflection demands more than identifying what went well. It requires us to hold up our practice against the light of our view of the child and teaching; to engage in “friendly critical” dialogue with ourselves and our colleagues in order to identify other possibilities and provocations, better questions, deeper themes. We can learn from our experience, but if it is not scrutinized, questionable practices may simply become the status quo. We invite Field Placement Mentors to explore not just the “how” but also the “why” with our students. This kind of mentoring and professional dialogue is impetus for growth and makes better teachers of us all.

A Field Placement Mentor plays an exceptionally significant role in the mentoring of a student. While the student is learning to master the demanding and complex process of teaching, no one spends more time with, nor is as close to her or him as the Field Placement Mentor. At a minimum, the Field Placement Mentor will:

  1. Support the philosophy of the Early Childhood Education Program verbally as well as modelling the required student learning outcomes.
  2. Encourage open communication so that the student is able to freely discuss feelings, concerns/problems related to the Field Placement experience.
  3. Raise concerns/problems to the attention of the Site Supervisor and the Field Placement Specialist in a timely manner.
  4. Ensure that the student is not left in charge of a group of children while the Field Placement Mentor or other staff are out of the room.
  5. Schedule times to meet regularly with the student to discuss progress/performance.
  6. Include the student as a responsible member of the staff team.
  7. Review the student’s written work prior to the implementation of activities (observations, plans charts, etc.). Field Placement Mentors are to indicate approval of plans by initialling/signing the documents.
  8. Participate in all Field Placement meetings facilitated by Mohawk College.
  9. Ensure that the student’s right to privacy is maintained.
  10. Complete the Learning Outcomes Feedback Form and provide comments to enhance its usefulness as a record of the student’s learning in Field Placement. Following discussion of the midterm and final evaluation with the student, return the form to the student, as they are required to submit it to their Field Placement Specialist. The form will be signed by both the Field Placement Mentor and student, indicating acceptance of the form as valid assessment of their performance.
  11. Review the Field Placement Attendance verifying Field Placement days/hours attended by the student.

Responsibilities of the Site Supervisor

Responsibilities of the Field Placement Site Supervisor

  1. Recommend and assign Field Placement Mentors who:
  • are fully qualified and possess some experience
  • demonstrate excellence within the teaching/learning environment
  • provide evidence of originality and creativity in their work with children and staff
  • understand the nature of student teaching and mentoring
  • will be present consistently to supervise the Field Placement experience
  • facilitate the student’s on-going evaluation
  • will participate in meetings facilitated by Mohawk College
  1. Support the philosophy of the Early Childhood Education Program and collaborate to develop experiences for students that will foster optimum growth and acceptance of full responsibilities as a teacher.
  2. Arrange for the student to have a tour of the facilities, review policies and procedures, Program Statement and provide a schedule of responsibilities.
  3. Introduce student teachers to all members of the staff team, when appropriate.
  4. Be a resource to both student and Field Placement Mentors.
  5. Provide students with important background information about the program and children, when appropriate.
  6. Encourage staff to model Field Placement Learning Outcomes.
  7. Encourage a climate of support for students.
  8. Ensure that feedback is discussed with the student daily.
  9. Ensure direct supervision of the student by the Field Placement Mentor.
  10. Include students in parent meetings, in-service workshops, teacher-parent conferences, professional activity days (PA Days), and other events held by the Field Placement Site/Agency as appropriate.
  11. Ensure the Learning Outcomes Feedback Form is filled in completely, by involving all staff working with the student in the completion of the form. Sign the Attendance Form indicating the student has completed all the required days/hours. Directs concerns regarding the student and/or their responsibilities to the Field Placement Specialist.
  12. Ensure students are never left in charge of a group of children while the Field Placement Mentor and/or staff is out of the room.

Ensure the student’s right to privacy is maintained.

Responsibilities of the Field Placement Specialist

Responsibilities of the Field Placement Specialist (FPS)

  1. Coordinate all Field Placement selection for the students and posting of the Field Placement lists.
  2. Monitor all Non-Academic Requirements of students in preparation to start Field Placement.
  3. Be the first point of contact for the students, Site Supervisor and Field Placement Mentor during the placement and a liaison between Mohawk College and the Field Placement Site/Agency.
  4. Meet with the Field Placement Site/Agency staff as requested and answer any questions related to the Field Placement. Facilitate Field Placement visits as requested by the Field Placement Site/Agency, Field Placement Specialists and College Faculty.
  5. Review the Learning Outcomes Feedback Form and Field Placement Attendance Form in determining the outcome of the Field Placement, maintaining open communication with College Faculty and Field Placement Coordinator when concerns arise.
  6. Encourage open communication with the Site Supervisor, Field Placement Mentor and student to assist with the Field Placement experience and work collaboratively with the College Faculty and Field Placement Co-ordinator.
  7. Facilitate and delivering the Field Placement Prep Course to support students in preparation for Field Placements. Plan and attend community Field Placement meetings at the Mohawk College. Provide support and act as a resource to Site Supervisor, Field Placement Mentor, College Faculty and students.
  8. Provide College Faculty with a midterm and final checklist regarding: student attendance, concerns and updates relating to a student’s Field Placement, as well as maintaining open communication with Faculty throughout a student’s Field Placement experience.
  9. Provide (or send via email) copies of the Field Placement Visit Report to the College Faculty and Students.
  10. Attend Theory to Practice class or Practicum class (as required) to support students during their Field Placement experience and to foster student success.

Responsibilities of the Faculty

Responsibilities of the College Faculty

  1. Deliver the Practicum Course to support the Field Placement.
  2. Collaborate with the Field Placement Specialist and student during the Field Placement experience to better support the students.
  3. Maintain open communication with the Field Placement Specialist and students regarding matters related to Field Placement.
  4. Review and grade all Practicum requirements.


Mohawk College ECE Student Field Placement Hub Copyright © by Maria Agro; Melanie Graham; and Karen Shurvin. All Rights Reserved.