
Field Placement Confirmation Email

Students will receive a Field Placement Confirmation email to their Mohawk College email in advance of their Field Placement.

This email provides important information and should be kept throughout the field placement for reference.

Students are required to read the email and attachments thoroughly, print required documents, and then follow the steps that need to be completed as soon as the email is received.

This includes:

Below is a SAMPLE Field Placement 1 Confirmation email. (dates are from a previous placement)

Hello *Student*,

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to your Field Placement 1 Experience for the Winter 2023 Semester. Please review ALL of the information provided within this email and the attachments in detail. *Please note you must have successfully completed the Field Placement Prep course in order to participate in Practicum 1 Field Placement Experience and meet all the Non-Academic Requirements for your placement site.
Agency: *AGENCY*
WSIB Insurance: *WSIB*
Supervisor: *CONTACT*
Supervisor’s Phone: *CONTACTPHONE* Ext: *CONTACTEXT*
Supervisor Email: *CONTACTEMAIL*
Please complete the Placement Confirmation NOW!  https://www.mohawkcollege.ca/form/placement-confirmation. You will be asked for your agency insurance and this information can be found above.
This Field Placement will take place from Wednesday, January 25 to Friday, March 24, 2023 on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  You are required to work the same number of hours as if you were a full time employee of the centre/agency (up to a maximum of 8 hours including your lunch).  Requested changes to your schedule MUST be discussed and approved with your Field Placement Specialist. Any changes will be documented and shared with the student and the placement site through a Student Success Agreement.
Make sure your up-to-date Non-Academic Requirements are located in your Field Placement Binder. If you do not meet the requirements for the placement site you will not be able to participate in a placement experience. It is the placement site’s responsibility to check all your requirements.
You are required to contact your Field Placement Site now and set up an Orientation that is to be completed prior to your placement start day. This is a MANDATORY requirement and will need to be recorded on the Employer Health and Safety Form your Field Placement Site will complete with your assistance during Orientation or by the first day of Field Placement.
To assist you to prepare for your Orientation, follow the Field Placement Orientation Checklist.
The following are attached to this email;
  1. Field Placement 1 Learning Outcomes Feedback Form (please print and give a copy to your mentor)
  2. Field Placement 1 Checklist (please print and give a copy to your mentor)
  3. Field Placement Orientation Checklist
Designed for ECE students; https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/mohawkcollegeecefieldplacementhub/ Explore the resources, information, support and contact details in a user friendly format. One stop to have full access to all you need when on placement.
Your Field Placement Specialist is your first point of contact for your Field Placement Experience.
Maria Agro ext: 4176 maria.agro@mohawkcollege.ca
Melanie Graham ext: 3252   melanie.graham@mohawkcollege.ca
Karen Shurvin ext: 4374 karen.shurvin@mohawkcollege.ca
Judy Baillie ext: 4648 judy.baillie1@mohawkcollege.ca


Mohawk College ECE Student Field Placement Hub Copyright © by Maria Agro; Melanie Graham; and Karen Shurvin. All Rights Reserved.