
Strategies for Combatting Microaggressions in the Workplace

You have now had a chance to learn about microaggressions, how they manifest, and what their impact might be. However, and important step in learning about microaggressions is learning about strategies for prevention.

Take a look at some of the different strategies that you could use to begin implementing microaggression prevention in your own workplace:

Self-reflection and Awareness:

Begin by examining personal beliefs and behaviours, reflecting on how attitudes may contribute to or influence microaggressive behaviours against Indigenous individuals. Such introspection is critical in identifying potential biases. As an example, consider examining your beliefs by reflecting on the stereotypes or biases you may hold about Indigenous peoples. If you catch yourself making assumptions or generalizations, question where these ideas originate and how they might contribute to microaggressive behaviour. For instance, if you notice you have preconceived notions about Indigenous traditions, take a moment to understand why you hold those beliefs and whether they are accurate.


Listening and Learning

Actively listen and learn from Indigenous individuals. Wholeheartedly considering those diverse experiences and perspectives is essential. Engaging in empathetic listening nurtures an environment where Indigenous voices are genuinely respected and valued. Imagine you have a colleague or friend from an Indigenous background. Actively listen when your colleague shares experiences or perspectives on cultural matters. Instead of dismissing or downplaying the experiences, make an effort to learn from the shared stories. Show empathy and respect for unique viewpoints, fostering an inclusive environment where Indigenous voices are genuinely valued.


Education and Cultural Understanding

Commit to ongoing learning about the history and rich cultural heritage of Indigenous communities. A comprehensive understanding of past struggles, contemporary challenges, and vibrant traditions is pivotal in fostering respect and sensitivity. Commit to learning more about Indigenous history and culture. You could start by reading books or watching documentaries that explore the challenges Indigenous communities have faced, such as the impact of residential schools. Learning about the diversity of Indigenous cultures, languages, and traditions can help foster respect and sensitivity.


Mindful Communication

Exercise caution in language use. Ensure that words employed honour Indigenous traditions and avoid language or assumptions that reinforce stereotypes or misconceptions. In your communication, be cautious about the words you choose. For example, if you’re discussing Indigenous artwork, avoid using terms that stereotype the art as “primitive” or “simplistic.” Instead, appreciate and honour the depth and richness of Indigenous artistic traditions.


Taking Responsibility

Acknowledge and rectify instances of microaggressions. Embrace accountability for change within individual behaviour and within spheres of influence. Suppose you realize you’ve made a microaggressive comment about Indigenous peoples in the past. Take responsibility for your actions. Acknowledge your mistake, apologize if necessary, and commit to making amends. For example, if you made an assumption about an Indigenous colleague’s background, you can apologize and express your intention to avoid such assumptions in the future.


Using Available Resources

Actively seek out resources such as books, online courses, or workshops on Indigenous culture and history. Engaging with these materials can enhance your understanding and ability to address microaggressions. For instance, you could enroll in an online course on Indigenous history and share your newfound knowledge with colleagues to promote awareness.


Being an Ally

Actively support Indigenous voices. Strive to establish inclusive spaces and take a stand against any witnessed microaggressive behaviour. Acting as an ally involves taking an active role in advocating for and supporting Indigenous communities. Suppose you witness a colleague making a microaggressive comment about an Indigenous person. Act as an ally by intervening in a respectful and supportive manner. You might say something such as, “I believe it’s important to treat everyone with respect, and those comments are not appropriate.” By doing so, you actively support Indigenous voices and create an inclusive space.


Engage in Microaffirmations

Microaffirmations are small acts that encourage feelings of inclusion (Boyce-Rowan & Mecadon-Mann, 2023) and can not only help to recognize and modify unconscious bias but can even repair the harm caused by microaggressions.  Microaffirmations recognize and affirm the identity of an Indigenous person through active listening, appreciative inquiry, and respectful questions.



Take some time to consider the strategies for combatting microaggressions suggested above. Reflect on the following questions either on your own, or with a peer:

  1. How effective do you think these strategies would be at combatting microaggressions in your workplace?
  2. Have you ever employed any of these strategies in your own life?
  3. Which strategy do you think would be most effective in your own life, and why?



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Microaggressions in the Workplace Copyright © by Wendi L. Adair and Leanne Gosse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.