Learning Objectives
- Identify the common processes in obstetrics and explore procedures, diagnostics tests and common complications related to obstetrics
- Describe the specialty of obstetrics and other medical specialties associated with obstetrics
- Analyze, translate, and define medical terms and common abbreviations of obstetrics
- Practice the spelling and pronunciation of obstetric terminology
Key Word Components
Identify meanings of key word components of obstetrics:
- ante- (before)
- dys- (painful, labored, difficult)
- endo- (within)
- in-, intra- (within, inside)
- micro- (small)
- multi- (many)
- neo- (new)
- nulli- (none)
- post- (after)
- pre- (before)
- prim/i- (first)
- retro- (backward, behind)
Combining Forms
- amni/o (amnion, amniotic fluid)
- cephal/o (head)
- cervic/o (cervix)
- chori/o, chorion/o (chorion)
- colp/o (vagina)
- culd/o (rectouterine pouch)
- embry/o (embryo)
- episi/o (vulva)
- esophag/o (esophagus)
- fet/i (fetus, unborn offspring)
- fet/o (fetus, unborn offspring)
- glact/o (milk)
- gravid/o (pregnancy)
- gynec/o (woman)
- hyster/o (uterus)
- lact/o (milk)
- mamm/o (breast)
- mast/o (breast)
- men/o (menstruation)
- metr/o (uterus)
- metri/o (uterus)
- nat/i (birth)
- nat/o (birth)
- obstetr/o (midwife)
- olig/o (scanty, few)
- omphal/o (umbilicus, navel)
- oophor/o (ovary)
- ov/o (ovary)
- ovari/o (ovary)
- ovul/o (ovary)
- par/o (to bear, labor, childbirth, give birth to)
- part/o (to bear, labor, childbirth, give birth to)
- perine/o (perineum)
- pseud/o (false)
- prim/i (first)
- pseud/o (false)
- puerper/o (childbirth)
- pylor/o (pylorus, pyloric sphincter)
- salping/o (uterine tube)
- terat/o (malformations)
- uter/o (uterus)
- vagin/o (vagina)
- vulv/o (vulva)
- -a (no meaning, noun ending)
- -al (pertaining to)
- -amnios (amnion, amniotic fluid)
- -arche/o (beginning, first)
- -cyesis (pregnancy)
- -e (noun ending, no meaning)
- -gen (substance that produced, agent that produced)
- -genic (producing, originating, causing)
- -graphy (process of recording)
- -ic (pertaining to)
- -is (noun suffix, no meaning)
- -itis (inflammation)
- -logist (specialist who studies and treats, physician who studies and treats)
- -logy (study of)
- -oid (resembling)
- -oma (tumor)
- -parous (having given birth)
- -rrhea (discharge, flow)
- -rrhexis (rupture)
- -salpinx (tube or uterine tube)
- -stenosis (constriction, narrowing)
- -tocia (birth, labor)
- -tomy (incision, cut into)
- -um (noun ending, no meaning)
- -us (noun ending, no meaning)
- -version (turned, turning, for example turning the fetus)
Obstetrics Words
Obstetrics Medical Terms (Text version)
Practice the following words related to obstetrics by breaking into word parts and pronouncing. Audio recordings of word pronunciations are available through the online book.
- amnionitis
- amnion/itis
- *rebel does not follow the rules
- inflammation of the amnion
- oligohydramnios
- olig/o/hydr/amnios
- scanty amnion water
- a condition where there is minimal amniotic fluid within the placental sac. This can restrict the fetus from movement and growth
- polyhydramnios
- poly/hydr/amnios
- much amnion water
- amniotomy
- amni/o/tomy
- incision into the amnion to induce labour
- amniocentesis
- amni/o/centesis
- surgical puncture into the amnion to remove a small amount of fluid for testing. The fluid is tested for potential fetal abnormalities
- amniochorial
- amni/o/chori/al
- pertaining to the amnion and chorion
- amniorrhea
- amni/o/rrhea
- discharge (escape) of amniotic fluid
- amniorrhexis
- amni/o/rrhexis
- rupture of the amnion
- microcephalus
- micr/o/cephal/us
- small head
- chorioamnionitis
- chori/o/amnion/itis
- inflammation of the chorion and amnion
- choriocarcinoma
- chori/o/carcinoma
- cancerous tumour of the chorion
- embryogenic
- embry/o/genic
- producing an embryo
- embryoid
- embry/oid
- resembling an embryo
- transesophageal fistula
- trans/esophag/eal fistula
- abnormal passageway between the trachea and esophagus
- fetal
- fet/al
- pertaining to the fetus
- gravida
- gravid/a
- pregnant (woman)
- Note, that this is referring to a woman who is or has been pregnant regardless of outcome
- multigravida
- multi/gravid/a
- many pregnancies
- A woman who has been pregnant two or more times regardless of outcome
- lactic
- lact/ic
- pertaining to milk
- lactogenic
- lact/o/genic
- producing milk
- lactorrhea
- lact/o/rrhea
- discharge of milk
- natal
- nat/al
- pertaining to birth
- neonate
- neo/nate
- newborn
- (infant from birth to four weeks of age)
- neonatologist
- neo/nat/o/logist
- physician who studies and treats disorders of the newborn
- neonatology
- neo/nat/o/logy
- study of the newborn
- postnatal
- post/nat/al
- pertaining to after birth
- (reference to the newborn)
- prenatal
- pre/nat/al
- pertaining to before birth
- omphalitis
- omphal/itis
- inflammation of the umbilicus
- omphalocele
- omphal/o/cele
- herniation of the umbilicus
- multipara
- multi/par/a
- many births
- nullipara
- nulli/par/a
- no pregnancies
- a woman who has never been pregnant
- para
- par/a
- a woman who has given birth to an offspring after 20 weeks, live or stillborn
- postpartum
- post/part/um
- after childbirth
- referring to the mother
- antepartum
- ante/part/um
- before childbirth
- referencing the mother
- intrapartum
- intra/part/um
- within (during) labour and delivery
- primigravida
- primi/gravid/a
- first pregnancy
- primipara
- primi/par/a
- first birth
- pseudocyesis
- pseud/o/cyesis
- false pregnancy
- puerperal
- puerper/al
- pertaining to immediately after childbirth
- puerpera
- puerper/a
- childbirth
- pyloric stenosis
- pylor/ic stenosis
- narrowing of the pylorus or pyloric sphincter
- teratogen
- terat/o/gen
- agent producing malformations
- (in a developing embryo)such as chemicals, viruses and environmental factors
- teratogenic
- terat/o/genic
- producing malformations
- teratology
- terat/o/logy
- the study of malformations
- dystocia
- dys/tocia
- labour that is difficult
- hysterorrhexis
- hyster/o/rrhexis
- rupture of the uterus
- episiotomy
- episi/o/tomy
- incision into the vulva
- pelvic sonography
- pelv/ic son/o/graphy
- process of recording sound pertaining to the pelvis
- amenorrhea
- a/men/o/rrhea
- absence of menstrual flow
- hyperemesis gravida
- hyper/emesis gravida
- Excessive vomiting during pregnancy
- neonatal
- neo/nat/al
- pertaining to newborn
- nulligravida
- null/i/gravida
- A woman who has never been pregnant
- episiotomy
- episi/o/tomy
- Incision into the vulva to widen the vaginal opening to prevent ripping or tearing of the perineum during delivery
Activity source: Obstetrics Medical Terms by Kimberlee Carter, from Building a Medical Terminology Foundation, licensed under CC BY- 4.0. / Text version added.
Pronouncing and Defining Obstetrics Medical Terms
Obstetrics Words Not Easily Broken into Word Parts (Text version)
- abortion (AB) (ă-BOR-shŏn)
- termination of the pregnancy before the fetus is viable
- abruptio placentae (ă-BRŬP-shē-ō plă-SENT-ā)
- pre-mature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall
- Apgar score (AP-gar skōr)
- Evaluation of a newborn’s physical condition within one to five minutes after birth, which was developed by and named for Virginia Apgar (making this an eponym).
- Breech (brēch)
- The position of the fetus is feet first. Ideally, the position of the fetus should be head first.
- Cesarean section (CS, C-section) (si-ZAR-ē-ăn SEK-shŏn)
- Delivery of the fetus through an abdominal incision
- cephalic presentation (sĕ-FAL-ĭk prē-zen-TĀ-shŏn)
- birth position in which any part of the head emerges first
- Cephalic version (sĕ-FAL-ĭk VĔR-zhŏn)
- pertaining to turning the head; this procedure is done on the fetus when they are in the head-down position.
- cerclage (sĕr-KLĂZH)
- Suturing of the cervix to prevent dilation and premature delivery
- colostrum (kŏ-LOS-trŭm)
- thin, milky fluid secreted by the breast during pregnancy and the first few days after delivery
- congenital anomaly (kŏn-JĔN-ĭ-tăl ă-NOM-ă-lē)
- abnormality present at birth
- eclampsia (e-KLAMP-sē-ă)
- a serious condition in pregnancy with hypertension; patients are at risk of coma, convulsions and even death.
- Ectopic pregnancy (ek-TOP-ik PREG-năn-sē)
- Pregnancy occurring outside the uterus, commonly in the fallopian tube.
- Induction (in-DŬK-shŏn)
- The process of bringing on or starting labour. This may be done with a membrane sweep or through the use of IV oxytocin
- in vitro fertilization (IVF) (in VĒ-trō fĕrt-ĭl-ĭ-ZĀ-shŏn)
- method of fertilizing human ova outside the body and placing the zygote in the uterus
- lactation (lak-TĀ-shŏn)
- secretion of milk
- lochia (LŌ-kē-ă)
- vaginal discharge after birth
- meconium (mē-KŌ-nē-ŭm)
- first stool of the newborn
- midwife (MĬD-wīf)
- individual who practices midwifery
- craniocerebral
- practice of assisting in childbirth
- Obstetrician (ob-stĕ-TRISH-ăn)
- Physician who specializes in obstetrics
- Obstetrics (OB) (ŏb-STE-triks)
- medical specialty dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium
- parturition (păr-tū-RĬSH-ŭn)
- act of giving birth
- placenta previa (plă-SENT-ā PRĒ-vē-ă)
- abnormally low implantation of the placenta on the uterine wall, can result in hemorrhage and a c- section
- preeclampsia (prē-ĕ-KLAMP-sē-ă)
- The abnormal condition in pregnancy where the patient experiences hypertension, edema and proteinuria is called, but with no convulsions. Can progress to eclampsia.
- premature infant (prē-mă-CHŪR IN-fănt)
- infant born before completing 37 weeks of gestation (also called preterm infant)
- puerperium (pū-ĕr-PĒ-rē-ŭm)
- period from delivery until the reproductive organs return to normal (approximately six weeks)
- quickening (KWĬK-ĕn-ĭng)
- first feeling of movement of the fetus in utero by the pregnant woman
- stillborn (STIL-bōrn)
- an infant that is born dead
Activity source: Obstetrics Words Not Built From Word Parts from Medical Terminology. by Grimm et al., licensed under CC BY 4.0. / Some H5P audio re-recorded by Tania Deane and David McCuaig and text version added.
Pronouncing and Defining Commonly Abbreviated Obstetrics Terms
Practice pronouncing and defining these commonly abbreviated obstetrics terms:
- AB (abortion)
- AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein test)
- AI (artificial insemination)
- CS, C-section (cesarean section)
- CVS (chorionic villus sampling)
- DOB (date of birth)
- EDD (expected or estimated date of delivery)
- FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome)
- FHR (fetal heart rate)
- G (gravida or pregnant)
- GPA (gravida, para, abortus – three figures representing a patient’s reproductive history)
- GYN (gynecology)
- IVF (in vitro fertilization)
- LH (luteinizing hormone)
- LMP (last menstrual period)
- multip (multipara)
- NB (newborn)
- OB (obstetrics)
- primip (primipara)
- RDS (respiratory distress syndrome)
- VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section)
Sorting Terms
Sort the terms from the word lists above into the following categories:
- Disease and Disorder (terms describing any deviation from normal structure and function)
- Diagnostic (terms related to process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms)
- Therapeutic (terms related to treatment or curing of diseases)
- Anatomic (terms related to body structure)
Medical Terms in Context
Place the following medical terms in context to complete the scenario below:
Obstetrics- Pathology Report (Text version)
Use the words below to fill in the pathology report:
- salpingectomy
- ectopic
- ultrasound
- fallopian
- tube
- clots
- cassettes
- microscopic
- pregnancy
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
DOB: May 3
PATIENT ID: 900132
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: Ectopic pregnancy
PATHOLOGY ID: Specimen No. 05-S-899
SPECIMEN RECEIVED: June 14 Specimen Reported: June 18
SURGICAL PROCEDURE: Right partial _______[Blank 1].
CLINICAL HISTORY: This 34-year-old white female had an __________[Blank 2] pregnancy as
proven by pelvic ________[Blank 3].
TISSUE RECEIVED: Right fallopian tube.
GROSS DESCRIPTION: The specimen designated right _______[Blank 4] tube was examined
reveals the presence of a fallopian tube measuring 5.9 cm in length and 2.3 cm in average diameter. Sectioning of the _________[Blank 5] shows it to be distended with blood __________[Blank 6] and possible field tissue. The sections were taken, and placed in three _________[Blank 7], A through C, for embedding.
MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: __________[Blank 8] examination performed.
MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS: Ruptured tubal ___________[Blank 9].
Joseph Gibbs, MD, Anatomic & Clinical Pathology
Check your Answers: [1]
Activity source: Obstetrics- Pathology Report by Heather Scudder, from Building a Medical Terminology Foundation by Kimberlee Carter and Marie Rutherford, licensed under CC BY- 4.0. / Text version added.
Test Your Knowledge
Test your knowledge by answering the questions below:
Obstetrics Glossary Reinforcement Activity (Text version)
- Termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable is called ____[Blank 1].
- Abortion
- Amniocentesis
- Gestation
- The abnormal condition in pregnancy where the patient experiences hypertension, edema and proteinuria is called _____[Blank 2].
- Hyperemesis Gravida
- Preeclampsia
- Dystocia
- When the embryo implants any other place but the inner endo-uterine lining it is called a(n) _____[Blank 3].
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Placenta Previa
- Zygote intrafallopian transfer
- A condition where the infant’s head is larger than the pelvic outlet and therefore will require a c-section is called ______[Blank 4].
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Cephalic version
- Induction
- A test conducted on the pregnant woman to assess the fetal heart rate is called ______[Blank 5].
- Alpha-fetoprotein test
- Non-stress test
- Meconium staining
Check your Answers: [2]
Activity source: Obstetrics Glossary Reinforcement Activity by Kimberlee Carter, from Building a Medical Terminology Foundation by Kimberlee Carter and Marie Rutherford, licensed under CC BY- 4.0. / Text version added.
Downloadable Worksheets
Design Your Own Worksheet [Word]
8. Obstetrics – Pronunciation Scenario [Word]
8. Obstetrics – Definitions Using Word Parts [Word]
Except where otherwise noted, this book is adapted from Medical Terminology by Grimm et al. (2022), Nicolet College, CC BY 4.0 International. / A derivative of Building a Medical Terminology Foundation by Carter & Rutherford (2020), and Anatomy and Physiology by Betts, et al., CC BY 4.0, which can be accessed for free at OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology.