

Land Acknowledgment

McMaster University and Hamilton sits on the traditional Territories of the Mississauga & Haudenosaunee Nations and within the lands protected by the Dish With One Spoon wampum agreement. This agreement is also a covenant with Nature:  take what you need, leave something in the dish for others, and keep the dish clean. We are committed to supporting the implementation of more Indigenous based resources in our guide and supporting the decolonization in our work.

With appreciation

The authors, Joanne Kehoe, Lead Educational Developer, Digital Pedagogies (MacPherson Institute), Olga Perkovic, Research and Advanced Studies Librarian (McMaster University Library) and Supriya Bains, Program Support Assistant (MacPherson Institute) would like to thank the following McMaster staff and students for their work and contributions to this Guide:

Tony Hoang, Educational Developer, MacPherson Institute
Sky Quan, Work Study Student
Sevda Montakhaby Nedu, Work Study Student
Joshua McLellan, Work Study Student
Adrianna Michell, Work Study Student
Jo-Anne Petropoulo, Librarian, Postgraduate Medicine, HHS
Urszula Sitarz, Student Partner

We would also like to thank Lori Goff, Director (MacPherson Institute), Vivian Lewis, University Librarian (McMaster University Library), Wade Wyckoff, Associate University Librarian (McMaster University Library) and Helen Kula, Associate University Librarian (McMaster University Library) for their support of this project. We would also like to acknowledge McMaster’s Health Sciences Library, for their evaluation and support of the Health Sciences entries in this edition of the Guide.

We are grateful to eCampusOntario for providing free access to Pressbooks to Ontario post-secondary institutions as part of their collaborative work in developing systems and processes to foster the creation, adoption, adaptation and review of open educational resources.



Acknowledgements Copyright © 2018 by Lauri M. Aesoph. All Rights Reserved.