
47 Social Psychology


Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple

This statistics text has been positively-reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in Bayesian statistics, from computational statistics to dimensions.

Includes: Student resources, summaries, examples, problems, and real-world applications.

May suit: PSYCH 4KK3.


Introduction to Psychology – 1st Canadian Edition

This sociology text has been positively-reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in sociological methods.

Includes: Index, glossary, and exercises.

May suit: PSYCH 1X03/1XX3, 1N03/1NN3, 1F03/1FF3.

Psychology: OpenStax

This psychology text has been positively-reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in psychological methods.

Includes: Index, glossary, and exercises.

May suit: PSYCH 1X03/1XX3, 1N03/1NN3, 1F03/1FF3.

*The updated version can be found in the recent additions as Psychology 2e.

Research Methods in Psychology: 2nd Canadian Edition

This peer-reviewed open textbook introduces students to the fundamental principles of what it is like to think like a psychology researcher. It connects research being generated in Canada as well as provide an accurate picture of the Canadian context for ethical human research. This textbook is an adaptation of one written by Paul C. Price (California State University, Fresno).

Includes: Videos, student resources, summaries, and diagrams.

May suit: PNB 2XE3/3XE3.

Social Psychology

Together: The Science of Social Psychology

This sociology text has been positively-reviewed by peers. It covers introductory concepts in sociology, from the science of social phycology to organizational behaviour.

Includes: Instructor resources, student resources, summaries, and real-world applications.

May suit: SOCPSY 1Z03 and PSYCH 2C03.

Principles of Social Psychology: 1st International Edition

This sociology text has been positively-reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in sociology, from government and politics to health, medicine, and society.

Includes: Index, glossary, and exercises.

May suit: SOCPSY 1Z03 and PSYCH 2C03.

Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International H5P Edition

The first International edition of this textbook provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of social psychology from an interactionist perspective. The presentation of classic studies and theories are balanced with insights from cutting-edge, contemporary research. An emphasis on real world examples and applications is intended to guide students to critically analyze their situations and social interactions in order to put their knowledge to effective use.

Includes: Research focuses, interactive H5P activities (fill in the blanks, MC quiz), key takeaways, exercises, critical thinking questions, chapter summaries, and instructor resources (question bank, PowerPoint slides and slide deck).

May suit: SOCPSY 1Z03 and PSYCH 2C03.

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students, by Gordon E. Sarty (Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Saskatchewan) began as a textbook published in PDF format, in various editions between 2014-2017. The book was written to meet the needs of University of Saskatchewan psychology students at the undergraduate level.

Includes: Examples, and dataset files.

May suit: PNB 2XE3/3XE3.

Discover Psychology 2.0 – A Brief Introductory Text

This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory courses. Discover Psychology 2.0 cover the traditional areas of intro-to-psychology; ranging from biological aspects of psychology to psychological disorders to social psychology.

Includes: Discussion questions, vocabulary, and instructor resources (instructor manual and PowerPoint slides).

May suit: PSYCH 1X03/1XX3, 1N03/1NN3, 1F03/1FF3.

History of Psychology

This textbook provides an introduction and overview of the historical development of the science and practice of psychology in America. Ever-increasing specialization within the field often makes it difficult to discern the common roots from which the field of psychology has evolved. By exploring this shared past, students will be better able to understand how psychology has developed into the discipline we know today.

Includes: Timeline, discussion questions, and vocabulary.

May suit: PNB 3HP3.

Psychology LibreTexts 

A collection of open textbooks, assignments, and other educational resources on psychology.

Psychology 2e

Psychology 2e is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

Includes: Summaries, review questions, critical thinking questions, personal application questions and instructor resources (test bank, solution guide and PowerPoint slides).

May suit: PSYCH 1X03/1XX3, 1N03/1NN3, 1F03/1FF3.


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