
13 Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics for Structures

This text explores the mechanics of solids and statics as well as the strength of materials and elasticity theory. In addition to introducing the fundamentals of structural analysis, it combines and applies important concepts in engineering mechanics. Its many design exercises encourage creative student initiative and systems thinking.

Includes: Exercises and instructor resources (in-class exercises, problem sets (with solutions) and design exercises (with reflections)).

May suit: CIVENG 2P04 and MECHENG 2P04.

Mechanics Map

The Mechanics Map Digital Textbook Project is an open digital textbook for enginering statics and dynamics founded on the idea that expert generated concept maps can serve as a powerful advance organizer for textbook content. The overview at the beginning of each chapter consists of a video showing how all the topics in the chapter are linked together by the author. By providing this overview, the author is seeking to help users organize the knowledge they are developing in a way that matches the expert’s organization of knowledge.

Includes: Video lectures, worked examples, homework problems, and instructor resources (lecture slides and editable versions of homework problems).

May suit: MECHENG 2P04/3A03, CIVENG 2C04/2P04, ENGPHYS 2P04 and MATLS 3M03.

Intermediate Fluid Mechanics

This book is meant to be a second course in fluid mechanics that stresses applications dealing with external potential flows and intermediate viscous flows. Students are expected to have some background in some of the fundamental concepts of the definition of a fluid, hydrostatics, use of control volume conservation principles, initial exposure to the Navier-Stokes equations, and some elements of flow kinematics, such as streamlines and vorticity. It is not meant to be an in-depth study of potential flow or viscous flow, but is meant to expose students to additional analysis techniques for both of these categories of flows. This compilation is drafted from notes used in the course Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, offered to seniors and first year graduate students who have a background in mechanical engineering or a closely related area.

May suit: CHEMENG 2O04, CIVENG 2O04, AUTOTECH 3TS3 and MECHENG 3O04.



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