
3 General Engineering

Computer Science 20 – Saskatoon

Through its text and videos, this resource provides an interactive experience on learning to write and execute Python code. In addition to simply executing code, there is a unique feature called codelens that allows control of the flow of execution in order to gain a better understanding of how the program works.

Includes: Videos, quizzes, and exercises.

May suit: COMPSCI 1MD3/1TA3.

Dot Net Perls

Dot Net Perls is an open resource with many example pages for many languages, including C#, F#, GoJava, JS, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift, VB.Net, Windows and WPF with explanations and code side by side (for easy understanding).

May suit: COMPSCI 1JC3/1MD3/1TA3/1XC3/1XD3.


This is a calculus-based open textbook meant for the first semester of a first year survey course taken by engineering and physical science majors. It has a traditional order of topics whereby force is discussed before energy.

Includes: Student resources (tutorials, problems and solutions), and instructor resources (learning evaluation and learning logs).

May suit: ENGTECH 1ME3 and PHYSICS 1D03.

Chem1 virtual textbook

This textbook was created by a retired professor from Simon Fraser University. It comprehensively covers the topics for general chemistry. Topics include atomic structure, gases, solids, and liquids, chemical bonding, acid & bases, kinetics, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics.

Includes: Online resources, images, flowchart, and practice questions.

May suit: CHEM 1E03.

Introduction to Drafting and Autodesk Inventor

This book contains self-paced learning modules that were written as a tool to guide and teach you to master Inventor. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore, the modules were written as competency-based bite-size pieces to allow you to work at your own pace. They can be used in correspondence courses, online courses, instructor-lead classes or by individuals teaching themselves to use Inventor in their own home or office.

Includes: Must know’s, user tips, workalongs, drafting lessons, geometry lessons, lab exercises, key principles, author’s comments, and competency tests.

May suit: ENGINEER 1PA3/1P13/2PX3/3PX3 and MECHENG 2C04.

Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 2D

Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 2D was written as a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore the ebook was written with competency-based modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allow you to work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education, correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office.

Includes: Must know’s, user tips, workalongs, drafting lessons, geometry lessons, lab exercises (with key), key principles, author’s comments, and competency tests.

May suit: ENGINEER 1PA3/1P13/2PX3/3PX3, MECHENG 2C04 and AUTOTECH 2AC3/2CD3.

Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 3D

This book is a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD 3D. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore the book was written with competency-based modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allows you to work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education, correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office.

Includes: Must know’s, user tips, workalongs, drafting lessons, geometry lessons, lab exercises (with key), key principles, author’s comments, and competency tests.

May suit: ENGINEER 1PA3/1P13/2PX3/3PX3 and MECHENG 2C04.

Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers

A first course on differential equations, aimed at engineering students. The prerequisite for the course is the basic calculus sequence. This OER is usable as a standalone textbook or as a companion to a course using another book, such as Edwards and Penney, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling or Boyce and DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (section correspondence to these two is given). There is enough material to run a two-quarter course, and even a two-semester sequence, depending on lecturer speed.

Includes: Examples, and exercises (with answers).

May suit: MATH 1ZB3/1ZC3/2Z03/2ZZ3.

Engineering Systems Dynamics, Modelling, Simulation, and Design

This open educational resource presents effective system modelling methods, including Lagrangian and bond graph, and the application of a relevant engineering software tool, 20-sim. The content is designed for engineering students and professionals in the field to support their understanding and application of these methods for modelling, simulation, and design of engineering systems.

Includes: Examples (with screen-recorded solutions), and exercise problems.

May suit: ENGPHYS 2CD4 and PHYSICS 3C03.

Introduction to Linear, Time-Invariant, Dynamic Systems for Students of Engineering

This is a complete college textbook that introduces students to liner, time-invariant and dynamic systems. A major focus of the book is computer calculation of system characteristics and responses and graphical display of results, with use of basic (not advanced) MATLAB commands and programs. The book includes many examples and homework problems relevant to aerospace engineering, among which are rolling dynamics of flight vehicles, spacecraft actuators, aerospace motion sensors, and aeroelasticity. The book contains somewhat more material than can be covered during a single standard college semester, so an instructor who wishes to use this as a one-semester course textbook should not attempt to cover the entire book, but instead should cover only those parts that are most relevant to the course objectives.

Includes: Examples, MATLAB script, and homework problems.

May suit: CIVENG 2Q03, ENGTECH 2MA3 and MECHENG 2QA3/2Q03.

Technical Writing

This open textbook offers students of technical writing an introduction to the processes and products involved in professional, workplace, and technical writing. The text is broken up into sections reflecting key components of researching, developing, and producing a technical report. Readers will also learn about other professional communication, designing documents, and creating and integrating graphics. Written especially for an academic setting, this book provides readers with guidance on information literacy and documenting sources.

Includes: Samples, and activities.

May suit: ENGINEER 1EE0/1PA3/1P13/2PX3/3PX3.

Technical Writing Essentials

This open textbook is designed to introduce readers to the basics of technical communication: audience and task analysis in workplace contexts, clear and concise communications style, effective document design, teamwork and collaboration, and fundamental research skills.

Includes: Exercises, case studies, and samples.

May suit: ENGINEER 1EE0/1PA3/1P13/2PX3/3PX3.

Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order (Third Edition)

By recognizing the dynamic nature of projects and applying the living order approach, this publication gives both the novice and expert project manager a fresh perspective on dealing with the complex challenges that emerge over the life of a project. This philosophy will help you plan effective projects, and will serve as a pilot through the choppy seas of real-world projects. Combining a thorough review of the latest methods in project planning and execution, the authors have created a complete guide to the skills required to be successful in your engineering projects.

Includes: Videos, practical tips, summaries, and further resources.

May suit: GENTECH 3MT3/4PM3 and SFGNTECH 4PM3.

Project Management – 2nd Edition

This book covers the basics of project management. This includes the process of initiation, planning, execution, control, and closeout that all projects share.

Includes: Audio, and examples.
May suit: GENTECH 3MT3/4PM3 and SFGNTECH 4PM3.

Engineering LibreTexts

A collection of open textbooks, assignments, and other educational resources related to engineering.

TU Delft OPEN Textbooks

TU Delft Open Textbooks is a platform that contains freely accessible textbooks produced by TU Delft teachers and used in bachelor and master courses at TU Delft. The open resources look at energy, environment, health, infrastructure and mobility, sustainability and water as it relates to engineering. There are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with lectures, readings, exams and exercises.

Numerical Methods with Applications

This book entitled Numerical Methods with Applications is written primarily for engineering and science undergraduates taking a course in Numerical Methods.  The textbook offers a unique treatise to numerical methods which is based on a holistic approach and short chapters.

Includes: Examples (with solutions), and instructor resources (PowerPoint presentations and worksheets).


Vector Calculus 

This is a text on elementary multivariable calculus, designed for students who have completed courses in single-variable calculus. The traditional topics are covered, alongside a discussion of numerical methods.

Includes: Examples (with solutions), and exercises (with hints and answers to select exercises).

May suit: MATH 1ZC3 and ENGTECH 3MA3.

Project Management: A Strategic Approach

Project management is becoming a core competence and not just about managing processes to ensure that the strategic goals of a business are delivered on time, within budget and specification. These days, project management is more about managing strategic goals while adapting to change and responding to ongoing disruptions. The pandemic, rapid urbanisation, digital transformation and environmental challenges are only some of the types of disruption faced by contemporary businesses. It is up to the project manager to ensure that the project management processes, as well as the projects and/or services themselves, are part of the readjustment required for business to survive these new challenges.  This freely available ebook introduces some of the core values, concepts and tools as recognised by the Project Management Institute (PMI). This book will be of value to both students and practitioners in Australia and overseas seeking professional development in the field of project management.

Includes: Examples, key takeaways, review your knowledge, activities, videos, and exercises.

May suit: GENTECH 3MT3/4PM3 and SFGNTECH 4PM3.

Fundamentals of Building Construction Management

This book provides an overview of the building industry, the projects performed within the industry, and methods to plan and manage the delivery of a construction project.

Includes: Interactive review questions (with answers).


Engineering and Information: Research Skill for Engineers 

Engineering and Information: Research Skills for Engineers is intended to expand experiential learning course offerings for undergraduate students through a series of interactive modules. The developed resource includes seven independent modules that focus on essential skills for engineering including how to find, understand, evaluate, and document information sources that are commonly used by engineers such as journal articles, patents, standards/guidelines, books, and webpages. The resource has been created as a series of self-learning modules to support all undergraduate engineering students, regardless of their level of study. The resource can also serve as supplementary training modules for instructors to ensure that there is proper assessment and evaluation of student assignments. Since each online module focuses on building different skills, they can be used in combination or individually. Educators can incorporate the modules at different points in their programs.

Includes: Videos, interactive quizzes, summaries, and additional resources.

Engineering Reflection Guidebook 

This Engineering Reflection Guidebook is intended to expand experiential learning course offerings through a series of interactive modules for students as well as instructional teams. The developed resource includes two interactive modules: one for training undergraduate students on writing a reflection based on the “What? So what? Now what?” model, and another to guide instructional teams with evaluating and providing feedback on a reflection essay. This book also provides an instructor toolkit to help teaching teams create their own reflection assignments based on the learning outcomes of their courses.

Includes: Videos, interactive quizzes, reflection activities, examples, and instructor resources (reflection toolkit, slides, handouts, and sample rubrics).

Engineering Improvisation: New Approach to Design Thinking Mindset

A new engineering design mindset that provides an opportunity for students to delay the decision making so they can understand the challenge better and explore more options, requires the development of new training resources. Active observation, deep listening, taking risks, idea generation, and embracing failures are key components of this new engineering design mindset that students have not been formally trained on. These skills that industry partners also expect new engineering graduates to have, are the basis of improvisation; however, to date, they have been mainly introduced and practiced in Arts-based studies and activities. In response to these training gaps in experiential learning curriculum, our team started this project to design and create online multi-component modules to guide undergraduate engineering students in developing their skills in the main area of Improvisation in Engineering. These skills that are connected to main steps of Engineering Design Process, will guide students through developing new design thinking mindsets.

Includes: Videos, ice-breaker activities, main activities with reflection questions, audio recordings with key points and reflection questions, virtual reality practice, and instructor resources (slides).

New Approaches to Engineering Design Thinking Mindset: Idea Generation 

This book, New Approaches to Engineering Design Thinking Mindset: Idea Generation, provides tools and techniques for different ways of generating ideas. Although teamwork is a huge portion of engineering work, without individual training, often a few people do most of the group work. Therefore, the focus of these modules is training individuals in selected design thinking skills so they can contribute more when they join their team. The developed resource includes two independent chapters that focus on some brainstorming techniques as well as biomimicry as new mindsets for idea generation. The resource has been created as a series of self-learning modules to support all undergraduate engineering students, regardless of their level of study. It can also serve as supplementary training modules for instructors. Since each online module focuses on building different skills, they can be used in combination or individually. Educators can incorporate the modules at different points in their programs.

Includes: Videos, activities, interactive quizzes, and instructor resources (toolkit).


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ARCHIVED OER By Discipline Guide Version 2 Draft DO NOT UPDATE Copyright © 2018 by Lauri M. Aesoph is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.