Author Biographies

Anumta Amir (she/her) joined McMaster in 2021 and is pursuing her undergraduate degree in Honours Chemical Biology Co-op with minors in Biochemistry and Commerce. She worked in Dr. Alex Adronov’s group over the summer of 2023 and is interested in synthetic chemistry with the application to biological systems (think pharmaceuticals, food science, cosmetics). Other than studying somewhere between Thode and ABB, she likes to read books (including graphic novels), cooking/baking, go bike riding with her friends, and making art (including textiles like crocheting/sewing).


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Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology for the Students by the Students! (and the Profs...) Copyright © 2023 by Emma Abreu; Anumta Amir; Anthony Chibba; Jim Ghoshdastidar; Sharonna Greenberg; Angela Liang; Layla Vulgan; and Shuoyang Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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