
4.3 – Aromaticity

Introduction to Aromaticity

One notable feature about homovanillyl alcohol (HVA) is that it is an aromatic compound. HVA contains a benzene ring: a six-membered ring structure consisting of three alternating single and double bonds (Figure 4.3.a).

Line-bond drawings of homovanillyl alcohol (HVA) and benzene. Both structures have a six-membered ring with alternating single and double bonds. The complete structure of HVA is described in Figure 4.1.b.
Figure 4.3.a. The chemical structures of HVA (left) and benzene (right).

Aromatic structures exhibit different reactivity than alkenes, despite having a similar electronic arrangement. Figure 4.3.b showcases the reaction of bromine (Br2) with cyclohexane, cyclohexa-1,3-diene and benzene. While cyclohexane and cyclohexa-1,3-diene react readily with bromine in a halogenation reaction at room temperature, benzene does not react with bromine under these same conditions. Aromatic structures are found to be significantly more stable than regular alkene structures as they are resistant to addition, halogenation, oxidation and reduction reactions to which alkenes are typically susceptible.

Three reaction schemes. The top reaction shows how cyclohexene reacts with bromine to give dibromocyclohexane. The middle reaction shows how cyclohexa-1,3-diene reacts with bromine to give dibromocyclohexene and other compounds. The bottom reaction shows that benzene does not react with bromine.
Figure 4.3.b. The reactivity of an alkene such as cyclohexene (top), a conjugated alkene such as cyclohexa-1,3-diene (middle), and a benzene (bottom). Benzene does not undergo the same halogenation reaction as the other alkenes.

An experimental observation of benzene is that all six of the carbon-carbon bonds are all the same length, 1.39 Angstrom (Å). This length is intermediate between the typical C–C single bond (1.53 Å) and the typical C=C double bond (1.32 Å), suggesting that the bonds have equal bond order and equal energy. In benzene, each carbon-carbon bond has a bond order of 1.5.

In cyclohexa-1,3-diene, a carbon-carbon single bond has a length of 1.53 Angstroms, while a carbon-carbon double bond has a length of 1.32 Angstroms. In benzene, all bond lengths are the same at 1.39 Angstroms.
Figure 4.3.c. Bond lengths of carbon-carbon bonds in a cyclic di-alkene (cyclohexa-1,3-diene, left) differ from aromatic benzene (right).

Electron Delocalization in Aromatic Compounds

The defining characteristic of aromatic compounds, and the source of their stability, is the delocalization of electrons within the cyclic structure. In a benzene ring, each carbon is trigonal planar and sp2 hybridized, with one p orbital on each carbon available to overlap and form π bonds. All carbon atoms in benzene occupy the same plane, and all p orbitals occupy the space above and below that plane. Each carbon atom contributes one p orbital and one electron, to form a single aromatic π orbital system with 6 electrons. This aromatic π orbital system occupies the space directly above and below the plane of the ring. The six electrons are considered delocalized as they form one large electron cloud and are free to move anywhere throughout the system (Figure 4.3.c and 4.3.d).

The delocalization of electrons is supported by the observation of a carbon-carbon bond order of 1.5 in benzene. This is also observed with many other ring systems with π electron density, suggesting that aromaticity is a property that is not restricted to benzene alone. Thus, benzene behaves as though all six p orbitals overlap together, rather than as three isolated π bonds.

Orbitals in benzene. On the left diagram, each of the six carbon atoms in benzene is depicted with an hourglass shape. The hourglass has a red half on the bottom and a blue half on top. On the right diagram, the benzene molecule looks like a hamburger, with a red portion on the bottom (like the bottom bun), a blue portion on top (like the top hamburger bun), and the benzene molecule in the middle.
Figure 4.3.d. Each carbon in benzene has one p orbital that lies directly above and below the plane of the molecule. As each p orbital contains one electron, there are a total of six electrons in the p orbitals, which are considered delocalized in an aromatic π orbital above and below the plane of the ring.
The shape of the orbitals in benzene. The top portion is pink (like the top half of a hamburger bun or bread in a sandwich), the bottom portion is purple (like the bottom half of a hamburger bun or bread in a sandwich), and the middle part shows the carbon atoms in black, hydrogen atoms in white, and all the bonds between them in grey.
Figure 4.3.e. Molecular orbital model for benzene. The pink and purple orbitals refer to the aromatic π-orbitals where electrons are delocalized. The grey orbitals refer to the C–C (black) sigma bonds and the C–H (white) sigma bonds. Since the electrons are delocalized and can reside throughout the molecule, an aromatic π-orbital system is created.

Curved arrows show the movement of electrons through the aromatic compound, demonstrating the electron delocalization (Figure 4.3.d). This results in 2 equivalent line bond representations of benzene, which are referred to as resonance contributors. A double-sided arrow is used to distinguish one resonance contributor from another, as both structures represent the same molecule.

Because the electrons are delocalized throughout the aromatic π orbital system, neither of the individual resonance contributors showing alternating single and double bonds are an accurate representation of the molecule. In reality, the molecule exists as a resonance hybrid, which is a weighted average of all resonance contributors.

Three line-bond drawings of benzene, depicted as a hexagon in each case. The left and middle molecules show hexagons with alternating single and double bonds, with a resonance arrow between these two molecules. The right molecule shows a hexagon with a circle in the middle, with the words “often drawn like this”. For the left and middle molecules, consider each carbon atom numbered from the top as carbon 1, moving clockwise around the hexagon. In the diagram on the left, there are double bonds between carbons 1 and 2, carbons 3 and 4, and carbons 5 and 6, and single bonds elsewhere. In the middle diagram, there are double bonds between carbons 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and 6 and 1, and single bonds elsewhere.
Figure 4.3.f. (Left) Two resonance structures of benzene, depicted with a double-sided arrow. (Right) Benzene is often shown as a six-membered ring with a circle in the middle due to the delocalized electron cloud. This is another way to represent the resonance hybrid.

There are numerous kinds of arrows used in organic chemistry. Here is a quick summary of the different arrows you will see. Ensure that you are always using the correct arrow!

Four different kinds of arrows. First, a resonance arrow is depicted as a long left-right arrow, with arrowheads on both sides. Second, an equilibrium arrow is depicted as left right harpoons. Third, a reaction arrow which is not at equilibrium is depicted as a long right arrow. Fourth, a curved arrow that is used to show electron movement in mechanisms is depicted as half a circle with an arrowhead on one side.
Drawings of different types of arrows in organic chemistry. Resonance, equilibrium, reaction, and curved arrows all look slightly different and represent something entirely different.

Criteria for Recognizing Aromaticity

Aromaticity is a characteristic that extends beyond benzene rings. Many ring systems that contain π bonds are observed to be resilient to reactions that alkenes are generally susceptible to. Aromatic systems can contain any number of atoms in their rings, and they can contain heteroatoms and/or formal charges within their cyclic system.

The following three criteria are used to predict whether a structure is aromatic:

1. The structure is cyclic

Aromaticity requires a ring structure in the molecule. The cyclic structure can either be the entire molecular skeleton or one (or more) cyclic region(s) within a larger molecule. If there is no ring present, then the compound is not aromatic.

2. All atoms are sp2– or sp-hybridized

Aromaticity requires continuously overlapping p orbitals. As a result, all atoms must be sp2– or sp-hybridized, in order to contribute a p orbital to the π orbital system. If any atoms in the ring are sp3-hybridized, then the compound is not aromatic.

3. The number of π electrons obeys Hückel’s rule

Hückel’s rule states that aromatic compounds must have a specific number of electrons in the aromatic π orbital system. We call this the ‘number of π electrons’. An aromatic compound must have 4n+2 number of π electrons, where n is any whole number (0, 1, 2, 3, …). Note that the value of n is not important: n does not correspond with any property of the molecule. What is important is that the number of π electrons is 2, 6, 10, 14, and so forth. If there are an odd number of π electrons, or 4n π electrons (e.g., 4, 8, 12, etc.), then the compound is not aromatic.

For example, benzene contains six π electrons, one in each p orbital at each carbon atom (Figure 4.3.g). Thus, benzene follows Hückel’s rule and is aromatic. When counting electrons, ensure that only π electrons in the cyclic system are being counted in Hückel’s rule. For example, benzaldehyde (Figure 4.3g) is an aromatic molecule with six π electrons in the ring. Although benzaldehyde also contains a π bond in the carbonyl group, those electrons are not counted towards Hückel’s rule. Naphthalene (Figure 4.3g) is another example of an aromatic compound containing 10 π electrons (Figure 4.3.g). As a bicyclic structure, it is made of 10 sp2-hybridized carbons, with 10 π electrons, one in each p orbital, which follows Hückel’s rule.

Three line-bond drawings of benzene, benzaldehyde, and naphthalene. The carbon atoms in each aromatic ring are numbered 1 to 6 for benzene and benzaldehyde, and 1 to 10 for naphthalene. For benzaldehyde, the carbonyl group that is outside the ring has a double bond that is not in the ring system and not counted in Huckel’s rule.
Figure 4.3.g. Examples of aromatic compounds that follow Hückel’s rule either with six π electrons (benzene, benzaldehyde) or ten π electrons (naphthalene).

Are You Wondering? Sp-Hybridized Atoms in Aromatic Structures

Earlier, it was mentioned that the atoms in an aromatic structure must be either sp2– or sp-hybridized to contribute at least one p orbital to the pi orbital system. Despite so, most aromatic structures are observed to only have sp2-hybrdized atoms. In fact, sp-hybridized atoms are rarely seen in aromatic structures as they require the presence of an alkyne in a cyclic structure, which are highly unstable. Alkynes prefer to be in a linear geometry of 180o to maximize repulsion of the orbitals, and thus, are highly strained in a ring system and are prone to degrading or reacting.

They may exist as brief intermediates, however, such as benzyne. As the name suggests, a benzyne is similar in structure to a benzene, with the replacement of one double bond for a triple bond (as seen below). It has never been isolated and is only inferred to exist based on the products of certain reactions. Using Hückel’s rules, we can classify a benzyne as an aromatic structure. It is cyclic and comprised entirely of sp2– or sp-hybridized atoms. Lastly, it contains 6 π electrons.

You may ask yourself if the molecule actually contains 8 π electrons due to the presence of the second set of p orbitals on the alkyne. However, as these p orbitals are in a different plane perpendicular to the aromatic system, it is not counted when counting π electrons for Hückel’s rules.

Three depictions of the molecule benzyne: a line-bond drawing and two orbital diagrams. The line-angle drawing shows six carbon atoms numbered 1 to 6, with single bonds between carbons 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6, and double bonds between carbons 4 and 5 and 6 and 1, and a triple bond between carbons 2 and 3. One orbital diagram is shown in the y-plane, in which six p-orbitals are each depicted as an hourglass shape pointing up and down in the direction of the y-axis, with a blue lobe on top and a red lobe on the bottom. There are six dots, one in each blue lobe. In the other orbital diagram, which lies perpendicular to the aromatic plane, two p-orbitals are each depicted as an hourglass shape pointing left and right in the direction of the x-axis, with a blue lobe on the right and a red lobe on the left. There are two dots, one in each blue lobe.
The molecular structure of benzyne is displayed on the left-hand side. In the y plane, it can be seen that all carbon atoms contribute one p electron to the π system. However, the carbons engaged in the triple bond have their other p electron in a different plane, and thus, it is not apart of the π orbital system.

Identifying Aromatic Ions

Aromatic structures can also be cationic or anionic and satisfy all the criteria for aromaticity explained above.

An orbital diagram and two line-bond drawings for cyclopentadienyl anion, which contains five carbon atoms each with one attached hydrogen atom, arranged in a ring. In the orbital diagram, there are five p-orbitals, each depicted as an hourglass shape, pointing up and down, with a blue lobe on top and a red lobe on the bottom. Four of these blue lobes have one dot; the fifth has two dots and a negative charge. One of the line-angle drawings shows a pentagon, with the numbers 1 to 6 listed next to each carbon atom. Four of the carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 4, and the fifth carbon atom shows numbers 5 and 6 together, as well as two dots and a negative charge. There are double bonds between carbons 1 and 2 and carbons 3 and 4, and single bonds elsewhere. The other line-angle drawing shows a pentagon with a circle in the middle and a negative charge at the center.
Figure 4.3.h. Cyclopentadienyl anion contains five carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as well as a lone pair of electrons. Each double-bonded carbon atom contains one electron in its p orbital, while one carbon atom contains two electrons in its p orbital, for a total of six π electrons.

For example, consider the five-carbon anionic aromatic ring, cyclopentadienyl anion. This molecule contains an anionic carbon atom with a lone pair (Figure 4.3.h). This anionic carbon atom, although it is not part of a π bond, is experimentally observed to have trigonal planar geometry, making it sp2-hybridized. The lone pair of electrons must therefore occupy the unhybridized p orbital. This p orbital overlaps with all the other p orbitals in the ring to form the aromatic π orbital system. This allows all π electrons, including the lone pair, to delocalize throughout the ring. Therefore, all five carbon atoms in cyclopentadienyl anion are sp2-hybridized, with overlapping p orbitals, and a total of six π electrons to satisfy Hückel’s rule. Moreover, each carbon in the cyclopentadienyl anion has been experimentally observed to bear some of the negative charge due to the electron delocalization.

An orbital diagram and two line-bond drawings for cycloheptatrienyl cation, which contains seven carbon atoms, each with one attached hydrogen atom, arranged in a ring. In the orbital diagram, there are seven p-orbitals, each depicted as an hourglass shape, pointing up and down. Six of these orbitals have a blue lobe on top and a red lobe on the bottom, and each blue lobe contains a dot; the seventh orbital is depicted in light grey, with a positive charge next to it, and no dots. Pointing to this light grey p-orbital, the text says “empty p orbital = p electrons within can delocalize throughout this orbital and entire ring”. One of the line-angle drawings shows a heptagon, with the numbers 1 to 6 listed next to each carbon atom, while the seventh carbon atom has a positive charge and no number. There are double bonds between carbons 1 and 2, carbons 3 and 4, and carbons 5 and 6, and single bonds elsewhere. The other line-angle drawing shows a heptagon with a circle in the middle and a positive charge at the center.
Figure 4.3.i. Cycloheptatrienyl cation contains seven carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as well as a formal positive charge. Each double-bonded carbon atom contains one electron in its p orbital, while one carbon atom has an empty p orbital, for a total of six π electrons.

In contrast, the seven-membered cationic aromatic ring, cycloheptatrienyl cation, has a cationic carbon atom (Figure 4.3.i). The cationic carbon is sp2-hybridized, with an empty p orbital. The empty p orbital overlaps with all the other p orbitals in the ring to form the aromatic π orbital system. This allows all π electrons to delocalize throughout the ring. Although the cationic carbon does not have an electron in its p orbital to contribute to the electron cloud, its empty p orbital still allows it to participate in aromaticity. Therefore, all seven carbon atoms in cycloheptatrienyl cation are sp2-hybridized, with overlapping p orbitals, and a total of six π electrons to satisfy Hückel’s rule. Moreover, each carbon in the cycloheptatrienyl cation has been experimentally observed to bear some of the positive charge due to the electron delocalization.

Identifying Heteroaromatics

Heteroaromatics, also called heterocyclic aromatic compounds, are aromatic compounds that contain heteroatoms in the aromatic ring. A heteroatom is an atom other than carbon, such as boron, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, etc. Heteroatoms also contribute a p orbital and a certain number of electrons to the π orbital system. For example, a heteroatom can contribute one electron (from a π bond), zero electrons (from an empty p orbital), or two electrons (from a filled p orbital with a lone pair). Below are examples of a heteroatom contributing one electron or two electrons to the π orbital system.

An orbital diagram and a line-bond drawing for pyridine. There are five carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom arranged in a ring. In the orbital diagram, there are six p-orbitals, each depicted as an hourglass shape, pointing up and down. Each orbital has a blue lobe on top and a red lobe on the bottom. Each blue lobe contains one dot. There is another sp2 hybrid orbital shown in grey on the nitrogen atom, depicted as a teardrop. Pointing to the p-orbital on nitrogen, the text says “p orbital contributes 1 electron to the aromatic system”. Pointing to the sp2 hybrid orbital on nitrogen, the text says “lone pair in sp2-hybridized orbital = not part of the aromatic system”. The line-angle drawing shows a hexagon with nitrogen at one of the vertices. The nitrogen has two dots. The carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 5 and the nitrogen is numbered 6. There are double bonds between atoms 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6.
Figure 4.3.j. Pyridine is a six-membered ring with five carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. The nitrogen atom is sp2 hybridized, with one electron in its unhybridized p orbital and a lone pair in an sp2-hybrid orbital. The p orbital is part of the π orbital system, while the sp2-hybrid orbital is perpendicular to, and not part of, the π orbital system. In total, there are six electrons in the π orbital system.

A common heteroaromatic molecule is pyridine (Figure 4.3.j), a six-membered ring containing one nitrogen atom. Experimental observations show that the nitrogen atom has a trigonal planar geometry, making it sp2 hybridized, with an unhybridized p orbital. Since the nitrogen atom is already using its p orbital to contribute to the aromatic π orbital system, the lone pair must occupy the sp2 hybridized orbital. The sp2 hybrid orbital is perpendicular to the π orbital system, and is therefore not part of the π orbital system. The electrons in the sp2 hybrid orbital are not included when counting electrons for Hückel’s rule. Therefore, there are six π electrons in the π orbital system.

An orbital diagram and a line-bond drawing for pyrrole. There are four carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom arranged in a ring, and the nitrogen has an attached hydrogen. In the orbital diagram, there are five p-orbitals, each depicted as an hourglass shape, pointing up and down. Each orbital has a blue lobe on top and a red lobe on the bottom. Each blue lobe contains one dot, except for the lobe on nitrogen which contains two dots. Pointing to the p-orbital on nitrogen, the text says “p orbital contributes 2 electrons to the aromatic system”.The line-angle drawing shows a pentagon with nitrogen and an attached hydrogen at one of the vertices. The nitrogen has two dots. The carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 4 and the nitrogen is numbered 5, 6. There are double bonds between atoms 1 and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6.
Figure 4.3.k. Pyrrole is a six-membered ring with four carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. The nitrogen is sp2 hybridized, with a lone pair in its unhybridized p orbital. The lone pair contributes two electrons to the π orbital system. In total, there are six electrons in the π orbital system.

Another common heteroaromatic is pyrrole (Figure 4.3.k), a five-membered ring containing one nitrogen atom. Like pyridine, experimental observations show that the nitrogen atom has trigonal planar geometry, making it sp2 hybridized, with an unhybridized p orbital. Unlike pyridine, the nitrogen is not part of any double bond, and contains only single bonds to all its neighbouring atoms. Thus, the lone pair of electrons must occupy the unhybridized p orbital.

As mentioned above for cyclopentadienyl anion (Figure 4.3.h), the electrons that form the π system of an aromatic ring do not have to come from a π bond. Instead, nitrogen can use its lone pair to contribute two π electrons to the aromatic system to satisfy Hückel’s rule with six π electrons. In fact, pyrrole is isoelectronic with cyclopentadienyl anion.

In this example, you might have expected nitrogen to be tetrahedral and sp3 hybridized to maximize the distance from other neighbouring electron pairs. However, the sp2 hybridized nature of the nitrogen atom allows the electron pair to delocalize across the ring, which is a stabilizing force, making it thermodynamically favorable.

(The full solution to this problem can be found in Chapter 5.3)


(The full solution to this problem can be found in Chapter 5.3)


(The full solution to this problem can be found in Chapter 5.3)


Aromatic Molecules in Biology: DNA

Aromatic structures are heavily abundant in biological systems due to their stabilizing characteristics. For example, the nitrogenous bases in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which form the building blocks of our genetic material, are made up of heteroaromatics.

For example, thymine and cytosine (Figure 4.3.l, top) have six-membered heterocyclic rings in which all atoms are sp2 hybridized, with an unhybridized p orbital that can overlap to form the aromatic π system. Like the resonance contributors shown for benzene (Figure 4.3.d, above), thymine and cytosine also have various resonance contributors, which can be drawn to better indicate the sp2 hybridization of the ring atoms.

Adenine and guanine (Figure 4.3.l, bottom) have two fused rings with 9 atoms. All atoms in the rings are sp2 hybridized. Nine unhybridized p orbitals overlap to form the aromatic π system, containing ten π electrons, which obeys Hückel’s rule. For adenine and guanine, note that the singly bonded nitrogen atom in the five-membered ring is sp2 hybridized, like pyrrole (Figure 4.3.k). For guanine, a resonance contributor can be drawn to better indicate the sp2 hybridization of the ring atoms.

Because of the sp2 hybridization and the aromatic π system, these molecules are planar and highly stable. Planarity allows the nitrogenous bases to easily stack and align in the DNA double helix, while stability limits DNA degradation.

Line-bond structures of four molecules: thymine (two diagrams on the top left joined by resonance arrows), cytosine (two diagrams on the top right joined by resonance arrows), guanine (two diagrams on the bottom left joined by resonance arrows), and adenine (one diagram on the bottom right).Thymine consists of a six-membered ring. In the diagram on the left, clockwise from the top of the ring, there is a carbonyl carbon, which is singly bonded to a nitrogen atom with an attached hydrogen, which is singly bonded to a carbonyl carbon, which is singly bonded to a nitrogen atom with an attached hydrogen, which is singly bonded to a carbon atom, which is doubly bonded to a carbon atom with an attached methyl group, which is then attached to the carbonyl carbon at the top of the ring. Lone pairs of electrons are shown as follows: two lone pairs on each oxygen atom that is part of the carbonyl groups; one lone pair on each nitrogen atom that is part of the six-membered ring.   There are four curved arrows in the left diagram of thymine. Starting at the bottom of the six-membered ring, one curved arrow has its tail end starting at the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen, and the head of the arrow pointing to the bond between this nitrogen and the carbonyl carbon atom on the bottom right of the of the six-membered ring. A second curved arrow is at the carbonyl group at the bottom right of the molecule, with the tail end starting at the double bond between carbon and oxygen, and the head of the arrow pointing to the oxygen atom. A third curved arrow has its tail end starting at the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen at the top right side of the six-membered ring, and the head of the arrow pointing to the bond between this nitrogen and the carbonyl carbon atom at the top of the of the six-membered ring. A fourth curved arrow is at the carbonyl group at the top of the molecule, with its tail end starting at the double bond between carbon and oxygen, and the head of the arrow pointing to the oxygen.   In the right diagram of thymine, there is a six-membered ring with alternating single and double bonds. Clockwise from the top of the ring, there is a carbon atom with an attached singly bonded oxygen. The carbon atom is doubly bonded to a nitrogen atom with an attached hydrogen, which is singly bonded to a carbonyl carbon, which is singly bonded to a nitrogen atom with an attached hydrogen, which is singly bonded to a carbon atom. This carbon atom has an attached singly bonded oxygen. The carbon atom is doubly bonded to a nitrogen atom with an attached hydrogen, which is singly bonded to a carbon atom, which is doubly bonded to a carbon atom with an attached methyl group, which is then attached to the carbon at the top of the ring. Both nitrogen atoms have a formal positive charge. Both oxygen atoms have a formal negative charge and three lone pairs of electrons.  The other molecules of cytosine, adenine, guanine are similarly depicted, highlighting their aromatic nature through curved arrows.
Figure 4.3.l. Resonance contributors for the nitrogenous bases thymine and cytosine (top) and guanine and adenine (bottom). Each atom in the ring is sp2 hybridized, providing p-orbitals on each ring atom that overlap to form the aromatic π system. Thymine and cytosine contain six π electrons aromatic π system, while guanine and adenine contain ten π electrons.

Are You Wondering: Resonance of Aromatic Molecules

As you may recall, in CHEM 1A03 there was content concerning how resonance structures contribute to the stability of molecules. The movement of electrons in resonance structures is a bit beyond the scope of CHEM 1AA3, but below is an explanation of how it works for those who are curious.

Recall that resonance structures occur as movements of electron pairs which form new bonds, then breaking a neighbouring bond in the process. Carbonate is a great example of this, where a lone pair of oxygen can form a double bond to carbon (Figure A). The carbon has to break its existing double bond to another oxygen to ensure it follows the octet rule. If carbon could not do this, then the resonance cannot occur.

Four molecular drawings, each with a central carbon atom and three terminal oxygen atoms. There are resonance arrows between each molecular drawing and curved arrows within each molecular drawing showing electron movement. In the first diagram, the terminal oxygen on the top right shows two lone pairs of electrons and is connected to the central carbon atom with a double bond. The two terminal oxygen atoms on the bottom and the top left each have three lone pairs of electrons and a formal negative charge, and are connected to the central carbon atom with single bonds. A curved arrow has its tail end starting at a lone pair of electrons on the top left oxygen, and pointing to the bond between this oxygen and the central carbon. Another curved arrow has its tail end starting at the double bond between the central carbon and the oxygen on the top right, and pointing to the oxygen atom on the top right.  The second and third diagrams are similar to the first diagram, showing curved arrows between different oxygen atoms. The fourth diagram is identical to the first diagram, but without any curved arrows.
Figure A. Carbonate resonance structures.

Misconceptions may occur with molecules that may appear non-aromatic, which need resonance for further evaluation of aromaticity. One such molecule is caffeine (Figure B).

Caffeine consists of a six-membered ring fused with a five-membered ring. All bonds are single bonds, unless otherwise noted. In the six-membered ring, clockwise from the top, there is a carbonyl carbon atom, followed by two carbons linked with a double bond, followed by a nitrogen atom with an attached methyl group, a carbonyl carbon atom, and finally a nitrogen atom with an attached methyl group, which is then attached to the carbonyl carbon at the top. The five-membered ring, clockwise from the top, contains a nitrogen atom with an attached methyl group, followed by a carbon atom and a nitrogen atom that are linked with a double bond, and finally the two carbon atoms linked with a double bond, which is then attached to the nitrogen atom at the top. The two double bonded carbon atoms are part of both the five-membered ring and the six-membered ring.
Figure B. The molecular structure of Caffeine.

Caffeine appears non-aromatic in the six-membered ring structure, until its nitrogen lone pairs are considered. They can form double bonds, since the neighbouring carbon can lose a bond to the double-bonded oxygen (Figure C).

Resonance structures and arrow pushing diagrams for caffeine (refer to the previous diagram for a description of caffeine). Four line-bond drawings are shown: the top left and top right diagrams have a resonance arrow between them, and the bottom left and bottom right diagrams have a resonance arrow between them. The top left diagram is like the previous diagram for caffeine, except that it shows some additional lone pairs of electrons and curved arrows at the top left of the diagram. Specifically, the nitrogen atom at the top left of the six-membered ring has one lone pair of electrons, and the oxygen which is part of the carbonyl group at the top of the six-membered ring has two lone pairs of electrons. A curved arrow has its tail end starting at the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen and pointing to the single bond between nitrogen and carbon. Another curved arrow has its tail end starting at the double bond between carbon and oxygen and pointing towards the oxygen atom.   The top right diagram is like the previous diagram for caffeine, with the following changes. The nitrogen atom at the top left of the six-membered ring has a positive formal charge, and it is doubly bonded to the carbon atom at the top of the six-membered ring. The oxygen atom that was part of the carbonyl at the top of the six-membered ring is now singly bonded to this carbon atom, and bears three lone pairs of electrons and a formal negative charge.  The bottom left diagram is like the top right diagram, except that it shows some additional lone pairs of electrons and curved arrows at the bottom left of the diagram. Specifically, the nitrogen atom at the bottom of the six-membered ring has one lone pair of electrons, and the oxygen which is part of the carbonyl group at the bottom left of the six-membered ring has two lone pairs of electrons. A curved arrow has its tail end starting at the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen and pointing to the single bond between nitrogen and carbon. Another curved arrow has its tail end starting at the double bond between carbon and oxygen and pointing towards the oxygen atom.  The bottom right diagram is like the previous diagram for caffeine, with the following changes. The nitrogen atom at the bottom of the six-membered ring has a positive formal charge, and it is doubly bonded to the carbon atom at the bottom left of the six-membered ring. The oxygen atom that was part of the carbonyl at the bottom left of the six-membered ring is now singly bonded to the carbon atom, and bears three lone pairs of electrons and a formal negative charge.
Figure C. Resonance structures of Caffeine exhibiting its aromatic nature.

The resonance structure at the very end is aromatic, as evidenced in Figure D, with a simplified version of the ring structure indicating 10 π electrons. This follows Hückel’s rule. Despite the final structure having 4 formal charges, the structure’s aromaticity stabilization favours this conformation’s formation.

Line-bond drawing of the skeletal structure of caffeine, in which all atoms that are not part of five- or six-membered rings have been omitted. There is a six-membered ring fused with a five-membered ring. In the six-membered ring, clockwise from the top, there is a carbon atom which singly bonded to a carbon atom, which is doubly bonded to carbon atom, which is singly bonded to a nitrogen atom, which is doubly bonded to a carbon atom, which is singly bonded to a nitrogen atom, which is doubly bonded to the top carbon atom. The five-membered ring, clockwise from the top, contains a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons, which is singly bonded to a carbon atom, which is doubly bonded to a nitrogen atom, which is singly bonded to the two carbon atoms linked with a double bond that are also part of the six-membered ring, and finally linked to the top nitrogen atom. Electrons are noted for the π system as follows: two electrons in each of the four double bonds plus another two electrons as the lone pair on the nitrogen atom at the top of the five-membered ring. There are a total of ten π electrons.
Figure D. The skeleton of caffeine exhibiting the aromatic structure.

The following videos include two worked examples from a previous CHEM 1AA3 test or exam that students struggled with. Try solving them on your own before looking at the full solution.


Key Takeaways

  • Aromatic structures exhibit different reactivity than alkenes, as they are more stable and resistant to addition, halogenation, oxidation and reduction reactions, which alkenes typically undergo.
  • In benzene or aromatic compounds, each carbon atom contributes one p orbital and one electron, to form a single aromatic π orbital system which occupies the space directly above and below the plane of the ring.
  • The electrons are considered delocalized as they form one large electron cloud and are free to move anywhere throughout the system. The movement is represented through curved arrows, and are referred to as resonance contributors.
  • The three characteristics of an aromatic compound are: it is cyclic, it is sp or sp2 hybridized, and it follows Hückel’s rule.
  • There are also anionic and cationic aromatic compounds where the extra electron (anionic) can contribute to an even number of pi electrons following Hückel’s rule, or the lack of an electron helps in maintaining Hückel’s rule and allowing for an empty p-orbital to interact with the system allowing for electrons to be delocalized in the ring/move around.
  • Heteroaromatics are aromatics containing heteroatoms, where the heteroatom contributes 0, 1, or 2 electrons to the pi orbital system, which can help in maintaining Hückel’s rule.
  • Aromatic compounds are found in biological systems sue to their stability, especially DNA, as the nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) are made of heteroaromatics.

Key terms in this chapter:

Key term Definition
Aromatic compound A property of certain molecules that make it extremely stable due to the delocalization of the electrons located in the p orbitals, forming an aromatic π orbital system. There are three criteria for a molecule to be aromatic. It must (1) contain a ring structure, (2) be comprised of either sp2-hybrdized or sp-hybridized atoms, and (3) follow Hückel’s rule.
Angstrom A unit of length, equal to 0.1 nanometer.
Hückel’s rule 1 of the 3 requirements of aromaticity which represents the amount of π electrons needed to maintain aromaticity calculated by the formula 4n+2 where n represents a non-negative whole number (0, 1, 2…).
Heteroatoms An atom other than carbon, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur.

Diversity in Chemistry: Rosalind Franklin

A portrait of Rosalind Franklin.

The aromaticity of the nitrogenous bases in DNA gives it a highly planar structure, which allows it to form the double helix structure. This structure was elucidated in 1953 by the pair of scientists James Watson and Francis Crick, winning them the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962. However, unbeknownst to many, Rosalind Franklin, a British-Jewish chemist, contributed heavily to this discovery with her role in this research going unrecognized for most of her life. Franklin was a scientist at King’s College in London, using X-ray diffraction to study and deduce the structure of DNA. Alongside herPh.D student, Franklin took the famous Photo 51, an X-ray image capturing the helical structure of DNA in its B-form. This, alongside an unpublished report with her conclusions, was shown to Watson and Crick. These helped facilitate the discovery of the DNA double helix model, with the pair going as far as saying that this discovery would not be possible without Franklin’s data. Many have agree that she should have been awarded a part of Nobel Prize (which did not give out posthumous awards), with her contributions being a hot topic of discussion (there is even a musical about her titled “Double Helix” performed at Bay Street Theatre in New York!). More information on Rosalind Franklin can be found on her biography page on the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science website.

The famous Photo 51, taken in 1952 by one of Franklin’s postdoctoral students.

Below is an snapshot of Franklin’s academic tree, showing connections to other scientists discussed in the textbook.

An academic family tree connecting numerous key female scientists, such as Franklin, Hodgkin, and Bertozzi. The increasing number of women in science has risen with time; however, the field of X-ray crystallography has showcased a greater proportion of female scientists compared to other niches. As a relatively novel field, it left a large space for women to fill the increasing demand for knowledge. It is also in part due to the contributions of Dr. William Bragg, one of the inventors of x-ray crystallography, who took on a large percentage of female students, where 11 of his 18 graduate students were female. There is no doubt that this normalized the culture of having diverse and egalitarian labs, opening more doors for women in science in not only his lab, but his own students’ labs in Dr. Bernal and Dr. Lonsdale. More information on this interesting phenomenon can be found in the following source.

The rise of women science still came with its difficulties, however. Aside from Rosalind Franklin’s photo being infamously used without her consent, Dr. Dorothy Sutor, another female X-ray crystallography, was publicly shamed after publishing papers proving that hydrogen bonds could be formed bonding to hydrogens bonded to carbon atoms, which was written off and claimed to have “data problems”. Her work was only recognized 50 years down the road. More information on Sutor and other similar women can be found here and here.

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Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology for the Students by the Students! (and the Profs...) Copyright © 2023 by Emma Abreu; Anumta Amir; Anthony Chibba; Jim Ghoshdastidar; Sharonna Greenberg; Angela Liang; Layla Vulgan; and Shuoyang Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.