MA Major Research Paper (MRP)


During the second or third week of May, the program will schedule a series of MRP Workshops. Each workshop session will include three or four MA students and two or three GSJ faculty members. You’ll have 30 minutes to:

  • Make a brief presentation (10-12 minutes) about your project’s questions and methods. At this stage, your project is still very much a work in progress!
  • Receive advice, feedback and support from the other students and faculty at the workshop. It’s a good idea if your presentation includes specific questions that you’d like advice on.

You may invite your MRP supervisor if you like, but it’s not necessary — the goal is to have the benefit of learning from colleagues besides your supervisor.

Students who are not presenting at a given workshop are are very welcome to attend and offer questions and feedback but are not required to attend.

Participation in the MRP Workshop is a required component of the project. If you need accommodations or other support for the Workshop, please contact the Director to discuss your needs.


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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