People, Policies and Processes

Program Director

Dr. Catherine Anderson is the Director of the Gender and Social Justice program and an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Languages. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from Northwestern University and has been a faculty member at McMaster since 2005. Catherine lives with her wife and twin teenage sons in Hamilton, on the land governed by the Dish With One Spoon wampum agreement.


A message from Dr. Anderson

Allow me to extend a very warm greeting to all students in the GSJ program. I am excited to get to know you and learn alongside you! One of the things that drew me to the GSJ program was the deep spirit of collaboration among faculty and students, and I’m eager to learn about your work, both academic and activist.

In the 2023-24 year I’ll be teaching the course Gender Studies 701 Doing Anti-Oppressive Research, so we’ll get to know each other in that context. Beginning in September I’ll hold regular student drop-in hours in Chester New Hall, Room 212. You can also always reach me at or you may book a meeting with me.

Dr. Anderson, a white woman with short blond hair, blue eyes, and orange glasses, stands smiling in front of some bare branches. She is wearing a maroon top and a grey jacket.
Photo credit: Lindsay Palmer


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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