People, Policies and Processes

Days and Dates

Official Dates

Consult the Academic Calendar for all official dates and deadlines.

Graduate Course Dates

  • Fall term Graduate classes begin Monday September 11.
  • Due dates for coursework will vary according to each course, but all coursework for the fall semester must be submitted by December 20.
  • Winter term Graduate classes begin Monday January 8.
  • All coursework for winter semester must be submitted by April 29.

Undergraduate Course Dates

If you’re taking a 600-level course, then it also has an undergraduate 400-level section, so it will follow the undergraduate dates.

If you are working as a Teaching Assistant (TA), then your schedule will also be affected by the dates of undergrad courses. Your course supervisor will tell you what the responsibilities are for your TA position, but in the absence of other information you should plan to attend the scheduled lectures in addition to your own tutorials.

  • Fall semester classes begin Tuesday September 5 and end on Wednesday December 6.
  • There are no classes during the Fall Break, Oct 9-15.
  • The final exam period runs December 8-21. TAs usually have papers and exams to mark during this period. In other words, just because classes are finished doesn’t mean your TA work is finished!
  • Winter semester classes begin Monday January 8 and end on Wednesday April 10.
  • There are no classes  Winter Break February 19-25, and no classes on March 29.
  • Final exams run April 12-25.

MA Program Cycle

The general flow of the year in the MA program is the following.

  • Undergraduate courses and TA responsibilities begin.
  • Fall term graduate courses begin.
  • Complete required TA training and required SGS courses.
  • For students applying to PhD programs, SSHRC grant applications are due. Consult the program office for the specific due date.
  • Begin making plans for MRP project and supervisor.
  • Complete Fall term course work.
  • Finish marking and grade entry for TA work.
  • Undergrad courses and TA responsibilities begin.
  • Winter term graduate courses begin.
  • Continue drafting MRP proposal with supervisor.
  • Submit MRP proposal to program for feedback and approval.
  • For students conducting research with human participants, submit research protocol to MREB.
  • Complete Winter term and two-term coursework.
  • Finish marking and grade entry for TA work.
  • Keep working on MRP!
  • Present MRP work in progress to fellow students in workshop mid-month.
  • Submit first draft of MRP to supervisor and program for feedback by June 28.
  • Receive feedback on first draft by July 12.
  • Submit revised second draft of MRP to supervisor and program by July 29.
  • Receive feedback on second draft by August 12.
  • Submit final MRP to program by August 30.
  • If necessary, submit clean final copy of MRP to program.
  • Submit graduation paperwork to program office by September 16.



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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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