MA Major Research Paper (MRP)

MRP Proposal

Required for all students

Your proposal is an opportunity to get advice and guidance on your project from the faculty on the MA Committee. It consists of:

  • A document about 1,000-1500 words long that  outlines the research question,  scope, theoretical frameworks, and methods that will inform the MRP
  • A timeline that identifies five benchmark dates for project work.
  • A tentative bibliography for the project.

Required for some students, depending on MRP format

If your proposal is for a Knowledge in Action Project, then it must also include:

  • a written agreement with the community organization, indicating the organization’s willingness to accommodate the student’s project, specifying the person(s) in the organization who will directly supervise and mentor the work, and outlining what the terms of the project will be.

If you propose to conduct research with human participants, then your proposal must also include:

  • a draft of the protocol you intend to submit to the relevant Research Ethics Board (either MREB or HIREB)

If your proposal does not include a draft ethics protocol, then you are not permitted to conduct research with human participants.

Submitting the proposal

Submit your proposal in Word .docx format to the program office, accompanied by the MRP Proposal Submission Form signed by your supervisor. Your proposal is due by March 15, 2024.

The GSJ MA Committee will review your proposal (and MREB protocol, if applicable) and will provide formative feedback as to how to conduct your research. If the proposal is not satisfactory, it is possible that the Committee might ask you to revise and resubmit it.


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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