MA Major Research Paper (MRP)

Milestones and Due Dates


November Consult with Director to identify potential supervisors. Usually this happens in the 701 course.


December and January Director and MA Committee confirm each student’s supervisor.


January-February Begin working with your supervisor to develop your project proposal (see below).


March 15 Submit MRP Proposal to program for feedback and approval. If the proposal involves working with human participants, also submit a draft of the MREB Protocol.


later in March If applicable, submit the protocol approved by GSJ to MREB.


mid-May Present your work in progress to students and faculty at the MRP Workshop.


June 28 Submit first draft (see below) of MRP to to the program submission folder. The program office will send this draft to your supervisor for feedback. The Director will confirm your second reader.


July 12 Receive supervisor’s feedback on first draft. Revise draft based on feedback.


July 29 Submit revised second draft (see below) to the program submission folder. The program office will send this draft to the second reader for feedback.


August 12 Receive feedback from supervisor and second reader. Revise draft based feedback.


August 30 Submit final version (see below) to program submission folder. The program office will send this final version to your supervisor and second reader for their assessment.


September 9 Receive final assessment from supervisor and second reader.


September 16 Submit graduation paperwork and clean final copy of MRP to program.


First Draft

You will have worked on your first draft with your supervisor’s advice. It’s wise for this draft to be as complete as you can manage, to maximize the opportunities for feedback and advice. But also remember that it is very much still a draft — your can expect to have major revisions still to do.

Submit your draft as a Word .docx to the program office by the due date listed above. Your supervisor will return your draft with comments and suggestions for revision within two weeks. 

Second Draft

Paying attention to your supervisor’s comments, revise your paper to produce the second draft. Submit your second draft  as a Word .docx to the program office by the due date listed above.  If your project has components that are not readily submittable as text documents (for example, artwork), arrange some way to make these components available.

The program will send your submission to your second reader. Your supervisor and second reader will provide feedback on this version of the paper within two weeks.

Final Version

Make any revisions that your supervisor and second reader have suggested to produce the final version of your paper. Submit this version electronically to the program by the due date listed above. The supervisor and second reader will assess the final version of the MRP and assign it a grade:  Pass, Fail, or Pass with Distinction. Once you receive their final assessment, make any required copyedits to the document and submit the clean copy to the program office as a pdf document, along with the MRP Final Submission Form, by September 15.  If you want to graduate in the Fall Convocation, this deadline is firm.





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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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