MA Major Research Paper (MRP)

Options for MRPs

Your MRP may take one of four possible forms:

  • a research paper
  • a project in pedagogical research
  • a knowledge in action project
  • an arts-based research/research creation project

Research Paper

This option likely arises from and extends work from one of your seminar courses. The end result is an original and potentially publishable scholarly article about 20-25 pages long.

Pedagogical Research Project

This option involves compiling a reading list, preparing a course outline, and writing a paper about your pedagogical rationale. In consultation with your supervisor, you will choose a particular sub-field or topic within gender and social justice. The end result is:

  • an extended reading list of about 30-40 items, including:
    • literature on the chosen subfield or topic, and
    • literature on pedagogy appropriate to that subfield
  • a detailed outline for a course on the topic, including readings, assignments, and other learning activities
  • a short research paper (10-15 pages) explaining the choices made in the original reading list and in the course outline, contextualized in light of the relevant pedagogical issues and theories.

Knowledge in Action Project

This option usually extends the work you started in your Knowledge in Action course. In consultation with your supervisor and a community organization, you will devise and deliver a policy brief, website, grant proposal, lecture series, or other document or tool for use by the organization in question, in addition to writing a 10-15-page critical reflection paper.

Arts-Based/Research Creation Project

This option consists of a creative project in an approved format, accompanied by a 10-15 page critical reflection paper. To select this option and decide on a format, you’ll consult with your supervisor and the GSJ MA committee.


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