Master of Arts Program

Elective Courses

MA students must also complete twelve units of electives (usually four one-semester courses). Many courses are pre-approved for credit towards the MA, and some of these have seats reserved for GSJ students.

All graduate courses have restricted enrolment, which means that you need permission from the home department to register. For preferred electives, the home department will grant permission automatically as long as there are still seats available. For other electives, the home department might have additional conditions on whether you can enrol.

You probably want to try to balance your courses so that you have three in Fall semester and three in Winter semester.

Preferred Electives

The following courses have seats designated for GSJ students. Email the contact listed in the electives document linked on the program webpage  to request to enrol. As long as there are seats available, the home department will grant permission to enrol.

Course Code


Gender Studies 708 Creating and Embodying Theory
Gender Studies 721 Social Justice Perspectives on Gender & Health
Gender Studies 722 Stories, bodies, archives: un/Learning in Movements
Gender Studies 723 Islam, Feminisms and Global Media
Gender Studies 725 Social Justice Frameworks of Prison Abolition
Gender Studies 728 Critical Hope in Times of Protracted Crises
English 780 Engendering the (Queer, Trans, Non-Binary) Transnational Early Modern Stage: Then and Now

Other Approved Electives

The following courses offered by other departments and programs have been pre-approved to count for credit towards the M.A. That said, these courses may or may not have space for GSJ students, and the instructor may require additional competencies so that they know you can succeed in the course. To request to enrol in one of these courses, contact the administrator listed in the the electives document linked on the program webpage, who can seek the permission for you.

Sample Email

Hello, I’m a student in the MA program in Gender & Social Justice. My student number is #####. I’m interested in taking COURSE CODE in your department in FALL/WINTER semester. Are there seats available? If so, may I have permission to register in Mosaic?

Course Code


ANTHROP 706 Bodies, Politics, Data
ANTHROP 722 Ethnographic Theory
CMST&MM 720  Data Cultures
CMST&MM 721 Alternative Media Forms in Africa
CMST&MM 722  Beyoncé Studies: Creativity, Celebrity, and Activism
CMST&MM 726 Media, Sustainability, and Climate Justice
ENGLISH 708  Selfie/Culture
ENGLISH 717 Global Sex
ENGLISH  781  Public Mourning in Canada: What Makes a Life Grievable?
HISTORY 770  Sex, Gender, and Health in the Colonial World
HISTORY 776  History of Sexualities in the Western World, 1750 to the present
PHILOS 764  Social & Political Philosophy
SOCSCI 708  Critical Approaches to Community Based Research
SOC WORK 721  Changing Communities: Tensions and Possibility for Citizenship and Social Justice
SOCIOL 758  Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
SOCIOL 759  Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
WILSON 700 Studies in Leadership and Civic Engagement

Other Electives

If you find a course not on the pre-approved list that you think is relevant to your studies, contact the Director to ask if the course can count as an elective. Electives should be relevant to the fields of Gender and Social Justice.

Other programs occasionally offer elective courses in the Spring/Summer term but these are rare!


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