People, Policies and Processes


Getting Paid

Pay for your TA work is handled by Payroll. You’ll receive your pay every two weeks, deposited directly to your bank account. You’ll need a Canadian bank account for your pay to be deposited.

You’re paid for TA work only during semesters that you work as a TA, ordinarily, Fall and Winter semesters.

As a TA you also have access to some Benefits. Learn more about your pay and benefits at the Human Resources site.

Scholarships, grants and bursaries are paid through Grad Studies, deposited directly to your bank account. The total amount of your scholarship is divided by three, so that you receive one-third in each of the first weeks of the terms, September, January and May.

Paying your Fees

The exact amount of your tuition fees and supplementary fees depends on your student status (domestic or visa, full-time or part-time). Your account in Mosaic will show you the amount due. Your fees are due in September, January and May.


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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