People, Policies and Processes


McMaster has a lot of different tech systems with a lot of different names, and you use your MacID to log in to all of them. So the first thing you’ll want to do is activate your MacID.

Mosaic is where you register for courses, enter your address and payroll information, and many other things. It’s the central place where McMaster keeps track of who you are as a student and as an employee.

Avenue (also known as Avenue2Learn or A2L) is where you’ll find most of the content for your courses. Different instructors use Avenue in different ways, but you’ll probably find your syllabus, assignments, and unofficial grades in Avenue.

Your email is handled through Outlook. Log into with your email address and you’ll have access to Outlook and the full suite of Office software. Some of your classes might use Teams from the Office suite.

Your MacID also gives you access to the Library‘s services from off-campus, and to many other services.

Technology and Names

Mosaic and Avenue allow you to indicate a preferred name in addition to your legal name. Unfortunately, a preferred name does not appear consistently across platforms, for example, it might be visible to other users on Avenue but not on Teams. The School of Graduate Studies allows you to request an official name change, with no  legal documentation required for trans students.


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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