Working as a Teaching Assistant

Training and Professional Development

Required Training

Anti-Oppression and Pedagogy

The first time you work as a TA, you’re required to complete five hours of Anti-Oppression and Pedagogy training. These five hours are paid at your hourly rate, and are in addition to your contracted Hours of Work. To complete this training, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to Mosaic and then follow these instructions to register for the training. Make sure you choose the option for the Faculty of Humanities.
    2. The following day, log in to Avenue and look for a course called something like Humanities Paid TA Training. Go to the Content tab in this course and start completing the modules.
    3. Complete the TA Rights and Responsibilities module and submit the final quiz.
    4. Complete the Anti-Oppression module and submit the final quiz.
    5. Select two additional modules of your choice and complete them. We recommend the following:
      • Mental Health in the Classroom
      • Teaching Contentious Topics
      • Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
      • Anti-Racism
      • Human Rights Fundamentals

You must complete these training modules, including submitting the quiz for each one, by the end of Week 2 of the semester, that is, before Monday, September 18.

Health and Safety

Each semester that you work as a TA, you’ll complete three hours of health and safety training in addition to your contracted Hours of Work. The first time you work as a TA, that three hours should consist of the following courses:

  • Health & Safety Orientation
  • Ergonomics
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Fire Safety
  • WHMIS 2015
  • Violence and Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

These modules should appear automatically within Avenue. If they don’t show up, follow the instructions above to register for these courses in Mosaic. You must complete these training modules before Monday, September 18.

GSJ Training Workshop

On Friday, September 8, attend an in-person training workshop for all GSJ students who are working as TAs. This workshop will include practice in leading tutorials and giving feedback, and will also provide the chance for you to meet your CUPE representative.

Optional Professional Development

You may complete as many of the other modules as you choose from within the Paid Humanities TA Training course. These additional modules are unpaid after your required five hours.

For academic credit, you might choose to enrol in the Teaching and Learning Certificates of Completion offered through the MacPherson Institute.

The MacPherson Institute also offers additional resources for TAs and many other resources for instructors and students.

As a McMaster student you also have access to the entire catalogue of courses offered by LinkedIn Learning.


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GSJ Graduate Handbook 2023-24 Copyright © by Gender and Social Justice Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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