
14 Module 7 – Converging on an Idea

Image of a Title Presentation Slide. Title: Converging on an Idea. Sub-title: Reaching a Consensus and Moving Forward

Image of a presentation slide. Slide reads, "How do we choose a single idea to move forward with? How do we come to an agreement?"

Welcome to Module 7 where we will be covering how to come to a consensus and converge on an idea in order to move forward with your project.


Image of a presentation slide. Slide says, "Reaching an agreement on how to proceed can be a troublesome experience."

When working in a team, it is important to understand that every individual comes to the team with their own lived experiences and opinions. From one perspective these differences make it challenging to come up with a census, but these differences also allow for the team to gain a much more rounded understanding of the topic. Luckily, there exist many strategies of coming to a consensus within a team and we will uncover some in this module.


Image of a presentation slide. Title: Converging on an Idea. Sub-title: Guidelines for Consensus. Body of Slide, as a list: Puts the interests of the group and of the problem ahead of your own; If you are misunderstanding something, trust your team to help you in clarifying; Be clear, precise, and honest in your viewpoint; Think before you speak and listen before you object; Minor disagreements will make your ideas better. One the right of the slide is a picture of two thumbs, one thumb is up and one thumb is down.

 First of all, it is important to place the interests of the team and project before your own; you can’t expect others to do so without showing that you place the team first yourself. Secondly, don’t be afraid to clarify something that you do not understand as this will help keep everyone on the same page and help avoid conflicts in the future. Thirdly, be honest with your feelings and opinions, as this will not only make your own experience more enjoyable, but will also help the team be more understanding of your position. Next, be sure to not just listen, but hear what everyone has to say. Listening is a skill that requires mastery, so be mindful of what you say and how you react to others. Finally, don’t be afraid to disagree, truth is often uncovered through discussion!

Image of a presentation slide. Title: Converging on an Idea. Sub-title: Exercising Skills in Reaching Consensus. Body of slide, as a list: By conversing with your team, you will develop your skills in: Active, Listening, Summarizing, Synthesis. On the right is a picture of a man in a suit juggling a computer, a clock, books, files, and a phone.

Through conversation you will develop three main communication skills:

  • Active Listening: When we actively listen we suspend our own thought processes and give the speaker our full attention. We make a deliberate effort to understand someone’s position and their needs, concerns and emotions.


  • Summarizing: A succinct and accurate summary of what’s been said so far can really help a group move towards a decision. Outline the emerging common ground as well as the unresolved differences: “It seems like we’ve almost reached agreement on that bit of the proposal, but we need to explore this part further to address everyone’s concerns.” Check with everyone that you’ve got it right.


  • Synthesis: Find the common ground and any connections between seemingly competing ideas and weave them together to form proposals. Focus on solutions that address the fundamental needs and key concerns that people within the group have.


Image of a presentation slide. Title: Now It's Your Turn! Body of slide: In your own group Session, you will take your newfound insights and agree upon an idea to move forward with. By the end of this work period, you should be able to identify a feasible solution that you will be exploring in solving your Problem Statement.

Now its your turn! In your groups take your newfound insights and form an agreement on an idea to move forward with it. By the end of this time, you should have identified a feasible solution that you will further explore when solving your Problem Statement.



Seeds for Change. (n.d) Short Guide to Consensus Decision Making. https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/shortconsensus



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