Chapter 3: Coming Soon
figure 48 Introduction to Pelvic Anatomy
Metropolitan cities are concentrated networks of people, infrastructure and business. Similarly, the pelvis is a hyper organized region of the body which contains the intersection of different kinds of tissues, organs, muscles, nerves and vasculature.
The pelvic region is also one of the most distinguishable sex-defining areas of the body, as it houses the reproductive organs. The pelvic region also houses the distal ends of the digestive system, the tail end of the spinal cord making this one the most packed and understandably complicated regions of the human anatomy.
Yet just like how a bustling city can be divided into clear districts, the pelvis can also be broken down into smaller, manageable parts that reveal its organization and function.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key bones, tissues ligaments, and vasculature of pelvic region
- Learn the characteristics of the male external genitalia and perineum
- Understand the anatomy of the male pelvic viscera
- Learn the characteristics of the female external genitalia and perineum
- Understand the anatomy of the female pelvic viscera