
Quick start overview and resource documents

Welcome to the Remote Teaching Handbook, originally published by the University of Ottawa and adapted by the Teaching and Innovation unit for faculty at Laurentian University! In the main chapters of this book, we explain how to transition to remote instruction and discuss each aspect of remote teaching in greater depth. We anticipate updates to this guide as the situation evolves. In addition to downloadable resources, there are also video tutorials for how to move to remote teaching throughout this ebook.

This Quick Start Overview below can be used as a reference or to dive right in.

Most of the referenced resource documents are found in this Google folder that we included as part of this overall guide:

We provide adaptable course questionnaires to understand students’ experiences and solicit feedback, before, during, and after the course. All these documents can be adapted to your context if you choose to do so, including this ebook itself. They were designed as Open Education Resources.

The French version of this ebook is available here!

Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions, suggestions, and concerns by emailing coffeehouse@laurentian.ca .

PDF version of the Quick start overview.

