


Podcast Episodes

st called, “The Secret Life of Canada”, hosted by Falen Johnson and Leah Simone Bowen. Blue arrows point to the podcast title, the U R L, and key links where more information can be found.
An example of a podcast on a hosting site.


Reference List Entry: Format (10.13)

Host, H. (Host). (Date). Title of episode (Season Number, Episode Number). [Description]. In Title of podcast. Production company. URL.

Remember! The author is the person(s) or group responsible for creating the work being cited. When citing  a podcast or podcast episode, list the host as the author. If the host is not known and cannot be determined from context, list the executive producer. Whether listing the host or producer, include their role in parentheses.  

Reference List Entry: Example  

Bowen, L-S, and Johnson, F. (Hosts). (2023). General ideas. (Season 6, Episode 4). [Audio podcast]. In The secret life of Canada. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcasts/documentaries/the-secret-life-of-canada/


Remember! You may need to look for the information needed for a citation, and information may be located in different areas of a podcast’s website. In the example above, additional information can be found on the podcast’s main website.

Parenthetical Citation

(Author, Date), e.g.: (Bowen & Johnson, 2019)

Narrative Citation

Author (Date), e.g.: Bowen and Johnson (2019)


Podcast Series

Hint! The examples for citing a podcast series use the same podcast listed above.


Reference List Entry: Format (10.13)

Host, H. (Host). (Date-Date). Title of podcast. [Description]. Production company. URL.

Reference List Entry: Example

Bowen, L-S, and Johnson, F. (Hosts). (2018-present). The secret life of Canada. [Audio podcast]. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcasts/documentaries/the-secret-life-of-canada/

Parenthetical Citation

(Author, Date), e.g.: (Bowen & Johnson, 2019)

Narrative Citation

Author (Date), e.g.: Bowen and Johnson (2019)


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style. (7th ed.).

American Psychological Association. (2020). Podcast references. APA Style Blog. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/podcast-references