
Lecture Notes and PowerPoint Slides

Lecture Notes and PowerPoint Slides

Information from in-class lecture notes and PowerPoint slides should be cited. Some instructors will tell you not to cite these sources; follow their directions. If you are not told to omit lectures notes and PowerPoint slides from the reference list, cite them using the format below.

An image of a PowerPoint title slide. The presentation is titled, “Mental health nursing and patient care”, by Professor Kathleen Smith in the Practical Nursing Program at Loyalist College. The presentation was given on October 8, 20219. Blue arrows point to the title, instructor, and date.
An example of the first slide of a class lecture presented with PowerPoint.

Reference List Entry: Format (10.14)

Instructor, I. (Date). Title of presentation [Description]. Department, Institution. URL if applicable.

Hint! If the slides come from a class website, a classroom management system like Canvas, or a site like SlideShare, provide the name of the site and the URL.


Remember! An author is the person or people, or the group responsible for creating the work being cited. In the case of PowerPoint slides or lecture notes, the instructor is the person responsible for the information.

Reference List Entry: Example

Smith, K. (2019). Mental health nursing and patient care [PowerPoint]. Practical Nursing Program, Loyalist College.

Hint! The description does not need to be complication. Something as simple as, [PowerPoint] or [PowerPoint presentation] is acceptable.

Parenthetical Citation

(Instructor, Date, Slide number), e.g.: (Smith, 2019, Slide 3)

Narrative Citation

Instructor (Date, Slide number), e.g.: Smith (2019, Slide 3)


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: The official guide to APA style. (7th ed.).
