Credits and Acknowledgements

The following people and departments contributed to the creation of this manual:

  • Tricia Bonner
  • Carrie Bulgajewski
  • Jennifer A. Dupuis
  • Carrie E. Fraser
  • Mary Jollimore
  • Alex Krueger
  • Lindsay McCabe
  • Jennifer Tewathahá:kwa Maracle
  • Kathleen Rankine
  • Lauren Stitt
  • Lorri Taylor
  • Scott Whalen
  • The Loyalist College Centre of Leadership, Learning and Academic Excellence (CLLAE)

Thank you for sharing your time, your energy and your expertise, and thank you for supporting this project.


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Loyalist College Guide to APA and Academic Writing Copyright © by Loyalist College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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