
Types of Guns


According to the Criminal Code of Canada a cartridge is anything that contains a projectile that is designed to be discharged from a firearm; this includes caseless cartridge and a shot shell; a complete unit of ammunition with 4 main components: primer, case, propellant, and projectile.


A firearm that is designed, or altered, to be fired by one hand.

Repeating firearm

Any firearm that has the ability to discharge a round with every press of the trigger before requiring manual reloading of ammunition (e.g. magazine fed).


A firearm that requires the support of the shoulder when being fired, often consists of a rifled bore.

Serial Number

A number applied to a firearm to allow for identification purposes. Applies to firearms manufactured after 1968.


A firearm that requires the support of the shoulder when being fired, often consists of a smooth bore, and is used to fire shots shells.
