
General Terminology

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA)

The analysis of the shape, size, distribution, and location of bloodstain pattern. This pattern(s) can be analyzed to give information about the events that took place that resulted in the bloodstains.

Blood clot

When blood remains stationary, it begins to coagulate and form gelatinous clots due to the cellular material in the blood. These clots appear as the liquid portion of the blood separates from the cellular material of the blood.


Process of blood going from its fully liquid state to a partially solidified state due to the conglomeration of the cellular material in the blood.


When a bloodstain mixes with other materials or fluids, such as other bodily fluids, cleaning detergents, or water, it can cause the bloodstain to lose its dark, viscous blood-like appearance and become visually more dull brown.


A blood-free region on a blood-bearing surface, where an object is suspected to have been removed by a perpetrator who has left the crime scene.
