
Andrew Pace and Aarzoo Mahajan

Canadian Bar Association, “Assessing Ethical Infrastructure at Your Law Firm: A Practical Guide” (2013), online: <>.

CanLII, online: <>.

Homeweb, “Home: Your Member Assistance Program (MAP)” (2021), online: <>.

Kim Rosel, “Lawyers make mistakes. That’s not a bad thing” (2018), online: Precedent <>.

Law Society Act, RSO 1990, c L.8. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct”(2021), online: LSO <>.  

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct: Section 1.1 Definitions” (2021) online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct: Section 3.1 Competence” (2021), online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct: Section 3.2 Quality of Service”(2021), online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct: Section 3.3 Confidentiality” (2021), online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Rules of Professional Conduct: Section 3.4 Conflicts” (2021), online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Operational Obligations and Responsibilities: By-Law 7.1” (2015), online (pdf): LSO <>.

Law Society of Ontario, “Practice Management Helpline, Ontario”(2021), online: LSO <>. 

Law Society of Ontario, “Steps for Dealing with Conflicts of interest Rules, Ontario” (2021), online: LSO <>. 

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company, “Biggest Claims Risks by Area of Law” (2022), online: PracticePRO<>.

Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company, Welcome to Law Pro (n.d.), online: <>.

Samuel, Richelle. “Legal Ethics and Moral Dilemmas: Strategizing around Race in the Provision of Client Service.” (2001), online: J L & Soc Pol’y <>.

uOttawa, Faculty of Law “Exceptions to Confidentiality”(2019), online (video): YouTube <>.

uOttawa, Faculty of Law, “The Duty to Report a Fellow Lawyer to the Law Society (ENGLISH)” (2019), online (video) YouTube: <>.

uOttawa, Faculty of Law, “Conflicts of Interest” (2019), online (video) YouTube: <>.


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