Why Kinlin?

This guide intends to provide more information about the different program offerings at the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business at Fanshawe College.

The Lawrence Kinlin School of Business at Fanshawe provides the most current, flexible and integrated suite of business programs that enables students worldwide to succeed anywhere. From certificates to diplomas, honours degrees, graduate programs and beyond, Fanshawe’s Kinlin School will help prepare you for career success.


Video: “Lawrence Kinlin School of Business. Learn Here. Succeed Anywhere” by Fanshawe College [1:26] is licensed under the Standard YouTube License.Transcript and closed captions available on YouTube.

What Makes Us Unique?

  • Job Ready
  • Program unique information

Our Credentials

Certificates 1 year (2 semesters) Intro to post-secondary.
Transfer opportunities to diplomas.
Available Programs
Diplomas 2 years (4 semesters) Common first semester.
Pathways and credit transfer.
Available Programs
Advanced Diplomas 3 years (6 semesters) Further learning following a diploma.
Transfer options to a degree.
Available Programs
Degrees 4 years (8 semesters) Combines theoretical knowledge and practical learning.
Paid co-op semester.
Available Programs
Graduate Certificates 1 year (2-3 semesters) Complements existing post-secondary credentials.
The focus is on employable skills and industry experience.
Available Programs



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