Office Administration – Health Services – OAM4


Coordinator Welcome/Program Placeholder 

Video: PROGRAM NAME Intro by COORDINATOR NAME [0:00] Transcript available on YouTube.

Coordinators video welcoming to the program ( less thank 3 minutes)and be sure to provide the following:

  • Name
  • Program
  • Why should students take the program
Student answering a telephone at work.
Office Administration Student. Photo by Fanshawe College, RBM.

In health services office administration, you’ll be at the centre of a highly specialized environment that requires a unique combination of attention to detail, compassion and managerial skills. The Office Administration – Health Services program will teach you about medical terminology and transcription, billing and patient management, office producers, ethics and research. You’ll also master current software and computer skills that are key components of today’s busy medical office.

Unique Program Experiences

A SILEx opportunity – you can find out more about our SILEx experience at SILEx and Job Skills for the Future.


  • List/explain technology and tools that students will take away from the program

Student Experience

  • Clubs
  • Events
  • Other

Student Video

Student Testimonial Video Placeholder 

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Student Testimonial – STUDENT NAME;  [0:00] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

Your Future Career

  • Types of careers/jobs
  • sampling of employers – logos, link to their website.
  • testimonial from employers or alumni (video or text-based)
Sample Job 1 Description
Sample Job 2 Description
Sample Job 3 Description

Your Future Path  

  • Link back to the program pathways page.
  • Alumni examples

Alumni Video

Alumni Testimonial Video Placeholder 

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Alumni Testimonial – STUDENT NAME;  [0:00] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

More InformationTo learn about the Office Administration – Health Services program, including the description, admission requirements and courses, see the program website.


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