Office Administration – Executive – OAE3


Coordinator Welcome/Program Placeholder 

Video: PROGRAM NAME Intro by COORDINATOR NAME [0:00] Transcript available on YouTube.

Coordinators video welcoming to the program ( less thank 3 minutes)and be sure to provide the following:

  • Name
  • Program
  • Why should students take the program
Student working on a computer.
Office Administration Student. Photo by Fanshawe College, RBM.

Today’s workplaces are hives of activity, with a variety of personalities and office tools that need to be managed, scheduled and processed on a daily basis. If you want a career that will put you in the middle of a fast-paced, people-based environment, the two-year Office Administration – Executive diploma program will help you master the skills needed to keep efficient offices running smoothly.

Unique Program Experiences

A SILEx opportunity – you can find out more about our SILEx experience at SILEx and Job Skills for the Future.


  • List/explain technology and tools that students will take away from the program

Student Experience

  • Clubs
  • Events
  • Other

Student Video

Student Testimonial Video Placeholder 

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Student Testimonial – STUDENT NAME;  [0:00] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

Your Future Career

  • Types of careers/jobs
  • sampling of employers – logos, link to their website.
  • testimonial from employers or alumni (video or text-based)
Sample Job 1 Description
Sample Job 2 Description
Sample Job 3 Description

Your Future Path  

  • Link back to the program pathways page.
  • Alumni examples

Alumni Video

Alumni Testimonial Video Placeholder 

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Alumni Testimonial – STUDENT NAME;  [0:00] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

More InformationTo learn about the Office Administration – Executive program, including the description, admission requirements and courses, see the program website.


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