Business Fundamentals – BFS2


Video: Business Fundamentals Program Overview – Penny Parker, Coordinator [2:38] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

Video: Business Fundamentals Faculty Testimonial – Anne Wilson [4:00] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

Business students. discussing on campus.
Business students. Photo by Fanshawe College, RBM.

The business fundamentals certificate program will cover basic principles of business organization, business communications, business mathematics, accounting, and marketing. You’ll take courses in customer service and business communication while improving your computer and math skills. You’ll also gain a solid foundation to be confident to enter the business world or to continue on to other academic business programs.

Unique Program Experiences

A SILEx opportunity – you can find out more about our SILEx experience at SILEx and Job Skills for the Future.


Tools and technology that students will take away from the program include:

  • Communications skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Risk taking skills
  • Time management skills
  • Marketing skills
  • Financial management skills
  • General Business skills

Student Experience

Students have the opportunity to participate in the LEAP junction “pitch” competition. The LEAP junction is an small business incubator located on the main campus to help with a start up business. LEAP has a number of events, workshops, mentoring and potential funding for the small business entrepreneur.

Student Testimonial

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Student Testimonial – Koha Tran;  [3:43] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

Your Future Career

Types of careers and jobs is only limited by your imagination, whether you want to start a restaurant, retail store, tattoo shop, write and sell “apps”, lawn care, retail, construction, bar, or take over an existing business or buy a franchise.

Your Future Path  

Many students that have completed this course started their own business or used the business skills they have learned to join an existing business.

Alumni Testimonial

Video:  Kinlin Program Guide – Student Testimonial – Claudia Herrera;  [2:18] by Fanshawe College. Transcript and captions available on YouTube.

More InformationTo learn about the Business Fundamentals program, including the description, admission requirements and courses, see the program website.


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