

WebAdvisor is where you can find all your official information, including your class list and class schedule. In cases of discrepancy between FanshaweOnline and WebAdvisor, WebAdvisor should be taken as the most accurate source of information.

The WebAdvisor system is home to:

WebAdvisor can be accessed by using the WebAdvisor button on the FOL homepage (see image below) or through the myFanshawe portal.


myFanshawe Portal

  • Access myFanshawe on any college computer by opening up Internet Explorer or using the myFanshawe icon on your desktop
  • Use the myFanshawe button on your FOL homepage
  • Search for myFanshawe

Finding your Timetable on WebAdvisor

Your class schedule or timetable is available online through WebAdvisor under the ‘Faculty’ menu (login required).

Webadvisor Home Screen – Faculty Menu

You can view your ‘Faculty Class Schedule’ as a ‘List’ or a ‘Grid Layout’.

Webadvisor faculty menu

The class schedule includes the following details:

  • the course(s) you are teaching (course code and course title)
  • the start and end date for the semester and for each course
  • the number of hours per week for each course
  • the days/times for each class
  • the delivery location (a room number or online delivery)

All classes start on time and end 10 minutes before the end time indicated on the schedule to allow for students and faculty to have a short break and to travel between classes.

Class Lists on WebAdvisor

Your class list is available online through WebAdvisor under the ‘Faculty’ menu (login required).

Webadvisor Home Screen – Faculty Menu

You can choose to view your ‘Class Roster’ on WebAdvisor or ‘Export Class Roster to Excel.’

Webadvisor Home Screen – Faculty Menu. Export class roster to Excel.
Your class list can change frequently within the first 10 days of term as students settle into their courses (the Add/Drop period runs the first 10 days of each academic semester). WebAdvisor will always be the most up-to-date system for getting your class lists during the first few weeks. While FOL should be updated daily to reflect accurate class lists, there can sometimes be a processing lag, so referring to Webadvisor is always a good idea. If, after the first few weeks, you notice students who appear on WebAdvisor but do not appear in your FOL class list, let your EST know as soon as possible.

Using WebAdvisor” from School of Language and Liberal Studies by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Copyright © 2025 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.