
Kinlin Offices B2015

Welcome to the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business. Our address is:

Room B2015
1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard,
London, Ontario N5Y 5R6
Phone: 519-452-4290 

Office Hours

  • Regular hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
  • Any exceptions to these hours will be posted and announced through email.
  • You can find information about setting up your access card to the office on the Employee ID Card and Office Access page.

Work Stations

  • Full-time and non-full-time staff utilize a shared group of desks in a hoteling space.
  • Hoteling desks are not assigned to any specific individual, allowing faculty to choose any available workstation when they arrive.
  • Some desks are equipped with dual monitors and docking stations into which faculty can plug their personal laptops.  Other desks are equipped with a desktop computer and monitor.
  • Please ensure you are not saving any files to the desktop computers, as this is a shared space.

Storage Lockers

There are locker storage cabinets available for staff and faculty use. If you would like a locker, please contact the Assistant to the Associate Dean to request one. They will assist you in assigning a locker and providing any necessary instructions for access.

Lunch Room

  • The lunchroom is located at the back of B2015-21.
  • The space includes fridges, microwaves, and tables/chairs for you to use.
  • Employees are expected to clean up after themselves to ensure a healthy and clean shared eating space. Please only use the fridge to store your lunch for the day.

Photocopying and Printing

  • Employees can print and photocopy documents in the designated photocopying room, where the printers are labelled B2015-P4505B and B2015-P4505A.
  • To use these printers, you’ll need a printer code, which can be obtained from the Assistant to the Associate Deans.

Office Supplies

  • Photocopier/printer paper and office supplies are available in the Photocopier room.
  • If you find that supplies are running low, or if you take the last item, please let the front desk CSRs know.

Lobby Meeting and Multimedia/eLearning Rooms

  • Faculty can make use of three rooms in the front of reception for student meetings.
  • Please use the paper sign-up posted beside the door to book a room.
  • Please avoid bringing students into the main working office area to protect student and faculty privacy.
  • These rooms should not be used for grading or testing.
  • Make-up in-class assignments (where applicable) should be done in the College’s Testing Centre (F3011).

Exam Storage

Completed exams are retained for one year after they are written. Professors are asked to leave the completed exams on top of the exam storage file cabinets for proper filing.

Office Map


A– Hoteling Space           B– Storage Lockers                  C– Exam Storage

D– Lunch Room               E– Photocopying Room          F– Lobby Meeting Rooms

G– Boardroom (B2025)



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