
Exam Week and Invigilation

When are the Final Exams?

Week 15 is for the scheduling of final exams. Note that not all courses have a final exam during week 15. Check your Course Plan to see if your course has a final exam.

The Academic Planner will email you at the beginning of the term with specific instructions on providing exam information about your course(s) so that the College can schedule them during exam week.

Closer to exam week, the Academic Planner will email instructions for exam week, including the invigilation list. You will need to look up your course if it has a final exam to find out who your invigilator is so that you can give them the materials for the exam and collect them from them afterward.

Some NFT faculty may also have the opportunity to invigilate other faculty members’ exams. An invigilation contract at the invigilation rate of pay would be issued.

Are there policies regarding exam procedures?

Exam procedures, including information about student evaluations, are outlined in A131: Evaluation of Student Learning in the Fanshawe Policy Policy Manual.

What are green sheets and blue sheets?

Standard exam forms are kept in the photocopier room in B2015

  • Green Sheet: Attendance Sheet
  • Blue Sheet: Exam Protocols

Please ensure you have the appropriate sheets before your exam

What is my role as a course professor to prepare for a final exam?

Course Professors should…

  • Consult with the course lead on the exam content and confirm whether course leads handle printing (only in some situations).
  • Coordinate printing and preparing of paper documents (e.g., exams, sign-in sheets, etc.).
  • Communicate with other invigilators the week prior to the exam (if applicable):
    • Confirm where to find printed exams (e.g., pick up in photocopier room).
    • Confirm any special instructions for the exam (e.g., students are allowed a cheat sheet).
    • Make arrangements with additional invigilators to return completed exams.

What are the protocols for admitting students into an exam?

  • Arrival: Students will not be admitted 30 minutes after the start of the evaluation nor permitted to leave during the first 30 minutes. Where appropriate, an invigilator may restrict access to the evaluation setting.
  • Attendance: Attendance should be taken. Students should be asked to sign in/out. Please use the “Exam Attendance Form” (Green Sheet).
  • Student ID: All students must provide a Student ID or government-issued photo identification, which they leave on their desks. Some part-time students may not have a student card with photo identification. When a student fails to present the required identification, the invigilator may permit the student to write the evaluation, but must:
    • Have the student complete the form “Student Without Identification,” which is found on the back of the Exam Protocol (Blue sheet).
    • Attach the “Student Without Identification” form to the student’s completed evaluation form.

What do I do if there is an error on the exam or if students have questions while I am invigilating?

  • No verbal communication regarding evaluation content should occur between invigilators and students once the evaluation has begun. Invigilators should advise students who raise questions about evaluation content to read the questions carefully.
  • Errors in the evaluation questions discovered prior to the commencement of the evaluation may be corrected in writing either by distributing a written correction to all students or writing the correction on a blackboard.
  • Where students may be sitting the same evaluation in different locations, every effort will be made to ensure that such a correction is provided to all students at approximately the same time.
  • During final evaluations, errors discovered after the commencement of an evaluation should not be corrected. Students who perceive there to be an error with regard to the evaluation questions will be provided a mechanism to document their perception in writing and to provide this document to the invigilator (Exam Protocol Blue Sheet). The invigilator will deliver any such documents to the course instructor, who should make allowances in the marking scheme if there is an error. Students should attempt to answer, in the best possible way, the question which they perceive to contain an error.

Are students allowed to bring aids or materials?

  • Students will not be permitted to bring any aids other than those specified in writing on the evaluation paper to the evaluation table.
  • In order to ensure the integrity of the evaluation, the use of all electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, laptops, translators, iPods, and voice recorders, etc.) is restricted.
  • All materials should be left in an appropriate location (e.g., along wall or beneath the desk). In light of increased potential for theft, students should be discouraged from bringing unnecessary items of value to the evaluation room.

What do I do at the end of an exam?

  • At the end of the exam, students should be instructed to leave their evaluation with the invigilator and depart quietly.
  • Submit all evaluation materials (i.e. exam questions, exam booklets, answer sheets, scantron sheets, etc.) upon completion.

Where do I return completed exams?

  • Use exam labels provided in the photocopier room and secure with a rubber band.
  • Place completed exams on the top of the filing cabinets outside meeting room B2025.

What should I do when a student misses a final exam?

  • Students should contact you if they have missed a midterm test or final examination.
  • There are procedures in place to accommodate a student through the testing center for missed evaluations. It is always best to reach out to your students if they have missed a major evaluation.
  • If a student misses a final exam and doesn’t contact you even after you have reached out to them, the student will receive a final grade based on performance and weighting of all graded work (including an exam with a grade of 0 as outlined in the course syllabus.

The following has been adapted from “7. Teaching your class” in  Teaching and Learning Guide for UPEI Instructors Copyright © 2022 by Teaching and Learning Centre – UPEI and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Change log: This version contains stylistic, organizational and branding changes that differ from the above source. In addition, changes in wording and references to other institutions and external resources have been either updated or removed. Fanshawe College-specific information has been added to reflect our teaching and technology ecosystem.

Microsoft (2023). Bing Chat Enterprise (Nov 23 version) [Large language model]. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bing+AI&showconv=1&FORM=hpcodx


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Lawrence Kinlin School of Business Copyright © 2025 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.