Preparing Your Class
What Do I Need to Prepare for My Class?
Connect with your Course Lead prior to the start of the term. Course Leads are noted on your teaching notification, which you will receive by email. Each program has a Program Coordinator, who may provide you with additional guidance on the course(s) you are teaching from a program perspective.
Aside from the actual course content, you may need to prepare and be aware of several administrative and technical items. This section contains the following:
What Are Modes of Delivery?
Fanshawe College is committed to supporting a culture of digital innovation that advances excellence in online learning and educational technology in College programs and courses. – Fanshawe College Policy Manual (A 115: Online Learning and Education Technology [PDF])
There are three modes of delivery at the College.
Coursework is completed during regular class hours in a face-to-face format. Professors should enhance the in-class learning experience by using their FOL course sites to share announcements and grade assessments and provide other resources. Moreover, FOL gives professors access to quizzing, gradebooks, submission folders, and communication tools to complement the students’ classroom learning experience.
Blended Learning:
A term often used interchangeably with “hybrid learning,” blended is a model of course design that combines traditional, face-to-face (F2F) class time with online and out-of-class coursework. Blended courses typically deliver some content online and may provide opportunities for online discussions, team projects, and activities. Lecture capture, video, and other forms of rich media and computer-mediated communications may be employed in place of classroom hours.
Online Learning:
It is a course where all or almost all of the content is web-based, with no or a minimal number of face-to-face meetings. Course content delivery depends on the same computer and network-based technologies used in Web-facilitated and Blended courses, but here they become the principal method of student engagement and learning.
You are expected to use FanshaweOnline (FOL) with all delivery methods. Further in this guide are resources on getting your course site ready and using FOL and more detailed information on teaching a Blended or Online course.
All courses should comply with the FanshaweOnline Essentials Checklist.
How Do I Know What My Delivery Mode Is?
You can find out about your delivery mode in several ways:
- From your timetable – View Finding your Time Table
- From your course code – View Understanding Your Course Code
How Do I Choose My Textbooks and Other Course Materials?
Some courses have required textbooks already chosen by the department and cannot be changed. Please reach out to the Course Leader to get a copy of any textbooks and related online access (e.g., access codes to online/publisher resources).
Where Do My Students Buy Their Textbooks?
If your students buy their textbooks at the Fanshawe College bookstore, they can use the convenient Course Materials Search tool to find the required books for their courses.
Do I Need to Book Rooms in Advance?
No! Timetabled classes are scheduled by our central scheduling office. Midterms or review sessions are often scheduled during regular class time and are written/facilitated in your traditional classroom. Final exam schedule will be communicated via email and FOL. If you need to book a room for outside class time please contact our Customer Service Representative.
What Equipment Is Available in the Classrooms? Is there Technical Support?
Fanshawe Media Services provides computers, data projectors, sound systems, and other related A/V equipment in Fanshawe’s lecture theatres and classrooms. Additionally, equipment loans are available for classes, department meetings, and conferences. Media Services provides the following services to the Fanshawe Community:
- Media Equipment Loans (photo, video and audio)
- Consultation on Media Equipment (use, set up, function and purchase)
- Consultation on Media Software (video and photo editing apps)
- Video recording and editing Service to support Fanshawe Learning
- On-campus Fanshawe Event Support
- On-campus Classroom Media Support
The IT Help Desk provides the following:
- Technical Support Services: Provides support for the College’s technical needs via the IT Helpdesk and is responsible for the College’s Connect Laptop program. (
- Academic Technical Support Services: Provides support for the College’s academic technical needs in the classrooms and computer labs and provides all IT support at the College’s regional campuses.
Contacting the Help Desk
- In-person: Room E2030, 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, London, ON
- On the phone: 519-452-6902
- Live Help: Fanshawe LiveHelp
If you intend to use a whiteboard, ensure that your room is equipped with one – most rooms at the College are. We strongly recommend bringing your own dry-erase markers since they are not usually supplied. Visit our supplies area in B2015 if you need anything ahead of class.
It would be best to visit the classroom where you’ll be teaching ahead of time to ensure you know what equipment you will have to use and have time to familiarize yourself with the set-up.
What Is myFanshawe and How Do I Access and Use It?
The myFanshawe employee portal is the primary internal website where information about all aspects of the Fanshawe College community is communicated. The portal is available to faculty, staff, and students, and you can use it to access a wide range of information for administrative, HR, teaching, IT, and Health Information. To access myFanshawe, use your Fanshawe email address and password. You can access timetable information and class lists and sign up for professional development opportunities.
Note: This guide will regularly reference myFanshawe; remember that any links will require you to log in to the system to gain access.
“Preparing Your Class” from School of Language and Liberal Studies by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.