Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment Interactive Videos
In these interactive videos, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge on donning and removing personal protective equipment (PPE). As you watch the interactive videos, you will be asked questions throughout the performance of the skill. You must answer the questions correctly before you’re able to move forward. Don’t forget to review the rationales for your decisions with each question.
Let the games begin!
Donning PPE
During this interactive video, you will be asked questions about the proper procedure and techniques regarding how to don all PPE.
Please note: there is no sound in this video.
The original video can be found at:
Removing PPE
This interactive video continues from the donning video, after you have completed care on the client, and are expected to remove all PPE in the proper sequence.
Please note: there is no sound in this video.
The original video can be found at: